Contents of N1/2017

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Contents of N1/2017


Marketing in the management of territories: philosophic aspects
Anokhin E.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Management and Marketing Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Russia, e-mail:
Anokhin V.A., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance and Credit Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, e-mail:

The territorial development tendencies are considered herein from the point of view of their subjection to the influence of the evolution of market relations, which have caused the marketing concept development. The history of marketing is characterized through the emergence and approval of its single elements, the content thereof is reflected in statements of philosophers, writers, businessmen, politicians from different epochs, times and peoples. There are studied and compared aphorisms of outstanding individuals and basic marketing terms in the context of the formation of marketing philosophy, marketing
approach in the management of territories.
Keywords: marketing, territory, globalization, methods and tools, philosophy, concept, aphorisms (statements).

1. Anokhin V.A., Anokhin E.V. The Marketing Development in Russia and Abroad// Topical Issues of History: Proceedings of the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference of April 20, 2011.- N. Novgorod: NCI, 2011. - 210 p. – P.10-14.
2. Anokhin E.V. State and Municipal Marketing in the Regional Administration //Collection of Scientific Papers of Post-graduates and Applicants of the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute. Iss. 4. N. Novgorod: NCI, 2002. 271 p. P. 219-222.
3. Bagiev G.L., Tarasevich V.M., Ann Kh. Marketing: Student’s Textbook. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2007, 736 p.
4. Bakanov G.B. Marketing: Lectures. Taganrog: TPTC, 2005.
5. Wikipedia – Free Encyclopedia. (Date of application: 25.10.2016).
6. Golubkov Е.P. Marketing Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice.  Мoscow, Finpress Publ., 1998, 416 p.
7. Kotler F. Principles of Marketing: Transl. from Eng. / under the general editorship of E.M. Penkova/ - M.: Progress, 1990. –736 p.
8. A Casket of Wise Thoughts. Publishing and Printing Company Kostroma, RIO, Kostroma,  2001. – 392 p.
9. Melnichenko L.N. The Evolution of Marketing Management: Main Stages and Current Trends // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. 1999. № 5.
10. About Money Seriously and with Humour: Utterances, Aphorisms, Proverbs, Anti-proverbs, Anecdotes, By-words /Compiled by V.N. Yasenev. – Nizhny Novgorod: NNSU, 2013. – 331 p.
11. PankrukhinA.P. Marketing: Student’s Textbook. Moscow: Omega-L Publ., 2007, 656 p.
12. Anokhin E.V. The Formation of Marketing and Its Influence on the Development of Territories. Chapter in the Book: The Strategy for the Stable Development of Russian Sectors, Systems and Regions. Semenkova T.G., Karamova O.V., Yakhina D.A., Gizyatova A.Sh., Minakova I.V., Timofeeeva O.G., Andreeva E.S., Dyrdonova A.N., Teslenko I.B., Digilina O.B., Abdullaev N.V., Anokhin E.V., Egorov Y.O., Moscow, 2016. P.167-199.
13. The Great Oil and Gas Encyclopedia // (Date of application: 15.10.2016).
14. Pervasive Marketing Philosophy // marketing_politics/ marketing_philosophy/ (Date of application: 15.05.2016).
15. KendyukhovА. Marketing Philosophy and Consumer Society: the Origination of a New Civilization or the Beginning of the End? // (Date of application: 15.10.2016).
16. Principal Stages of World Political Map Formation // (Date of application: 15.05.2016).

The volatility of the environment in the strategic analysis of market and competitiveness for small and medium-sized business
Evenko L.I., Doctor of Economics, professor, Head ead of Department of Strategy and Business Development IBS RANEPA, e-mail:
Pivovar B.B., Assistant professor FESS RANEPA, e-mail:

The instability of the external environment for Russia’s economy generates a request on the part of small and medium-sized businesses to change approaches to strategy development and strategic analysis of the market and competitiveness. To do this, it is now possible to use the new (not previously used) strategies in the strategic management for improving the company’s competitiveness.
Keywords:  volatility of the external environment, risks, strategy, small and medium enterprises, import substitution, export substitution.

1. Dzh.Bljek. Jekonomika. Tolkovyj slovar' / Obshhaja redakcija Osadchaja I.M., M., Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2000.
2. Amerikanskij kapitalizm i upravlencheskie reshenija. Pod red. Evenko L.I., Izdatel'stvo «Nauka», 1977.
3. Chto takoe risk? Vikipedija – svobodnaja jenciklopedija.
4. Kommersant. Vlast'. Cifrovye razlichija. Kratkaja istorija jekonomicheskih prognozov, 19.01.2015 [Jelektronnyj resurs] Rezhim dostupa:
5. Volatil'nost'.  Vikipedija – svobodnaja jenciklopedija
6. Evenko L.I., Pivovar B.B. Stat'ja «Model' ocenki strategij importozameshhenija v rossijskih uslovijah» // Mezhdunarodnyj tehniko-jekonomicheskij zhurnal № 4, 2016, S. 7-12.
7. Otchet kompanii «Pifko» za 2016 god.



Quantitative measurements of the country's image
Tleuberdinova A.T., HD, full prof. (Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University), e-mail:

The concept of country image is under the constant attention of scientific research in the field of marketing research; however its focus often is on the theoretical aspects. The country’s image is very complicated and multimeric process, since it consists of a large number of evaluations. The main purpose of this study is to conduct quantitative assessment of the internal image of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on local experts’ opinion. This assessment can serve as a basis for strategy development to create a positive image of the country.
Keywords: The image of the country, a national brand, cognitive and affective factors.  

1.  Jenes B. Possibilities of shaping country image. Marketing  és Menedzsment, 2005/2, pp. 18–29.
2. Szeles P. ’The Credit of Reputation. Image and Identity. Star PR Ügynökség, Budapest, 1998, pp. 81, 93, 94, 124, 138.
3.  Roth M.S., Romeo J.B. Matching Product Category and Country Image Perceptions: A Framework for Managing Country-of-Origin Effects, Behavioral Intentions Model. Journal of  International Business Studies, Third Quarter, 1992, p. 480.
4. Martin I.M., Eroglu S. Measuring a Multi-Dimensional Construct: Country Image. Journal of Business Research, 1993: 28, p. 193.
5. Kotler P., Haider D., Rein I. Marketing Places: Attracting Investment and Tourism to Cities, States and Nations, The Free Press, 1993, p. 141.
6. Balabanis G., Melewar T.C., Mueller R. Determinants of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Image. Proceedings, 25th EMAC Conference, Budapest, 1996, p. 1398.
7.  Jenes B. Connection between the ecologically orinted consumer behaviour and country image. Marketing és Menedzsment, 2007/6, pp. 34–43.
8. Johansson K., Douglas S.P., Nonaka I.  “Assessing The Impac of Country of Origin on Product Evaluations: A New Methodological Perspective”, Journal of Marketing Re search, 1985, 22, November, pp. 388–396.
9. Hong S.T. and Wyer R.S. Jr. “Determinants of Product Evaluation: Effects of The Time Interval Between Knowledge of a Product’s Country of Origin and Information About its Specific Attributes”, Journal of Consumer Research, 1990, 17, December, pp. 277–288.
10. Erickson G.M., Johansson K., Chao P. “Image Variables in Multiattribute Product Evaluations: Country-Of-Origin Effects”, Journal of Consumer Research, September, 1984, pp. 694–699.
11. Wright P.L. “Consumer Choice Strategies: Simplifying vs. Optimizing”, Journal of Marketing Research, February, 1975, pp. 60–67.
12. Han C.M.  and Terpstra V.  “Country-of-Origin Effects for Uninational and Binational Products”, Journal of International Business Studies, 1988, 14, pp. 235–255.
13. Bilkey W.J. and Nes E. “Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluation”, Journal of International Business Studies, 13, pp. 89–99.
14. Lawrence G., Marr N.E., Prendergast G.R. “Country-of-Origin Stereotyping: A Case Study in the New Zealand Motor Vehicle Industry”, European Journal of Marketing, 1992, 26, pp. 37–51.
15. Kaynak E. and Cavusgil S.T. “Consumer Attitudes towards Products of Foreign Origin: Do They Vary across Product Classes?”, International Journal of Advertising, 1983, 2, pp. 147 –157.
16. Wang C. and Lamb C.W. “The Impact of Selected Environmental Forces upon Consumers’ Willingness to Buy Foreign Products”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1983, 11 (2), Winter, pp. 71–84.
17. Nagashima A. “A Comparison of Japanise And Us Attitudes Towards Foreign Products”, Journal of Marketing, 1970, January, pp. 68–74.
18. Baughn C.C., Yaprak A. Mapping Country of Origin Research, Recent Developments and Emerging Avenues, in Product – Country Images. Impact and Role in International Marketing, Papadopoulos N. – Heslop L.A. New York, International Business Press, 1993, pp. 89–115.
19. Cattin R.J., Jblibert A., Lohnes G. “A Cross-national Study of Made-in Concepts”, Joumal of International Business Studies, pp. 131–141. In Okechuku, C. (1994), “The Importance of Product Country of Origin: A Conjoint Analysis of the United States, Canada, Germany and The Netherlands”, European Journal of Marketing, 1982, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 5–9.
20. Okechuku C. “The Importance of Product Country of Origin: A Conjoint Analysis of the United States, Canada, Germany and The Netherlands”, European Journal of Marketing, 1994, Vol. 28(4), pp. 5–19.
21. Graby F. Countries as Corporate Entities in International Markets, in Product – Country Images. Impact and Role in International Marketing, Papadopoulos N., Heslop L.A. International Business Press, New York, 1993, p. 262.
22.  Anholt S.  Brand New Justice – How Branding Places and Products Can Help the Developing World. Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2005.
23.  Anholt S.  Foreword to the Special Issue on Country Branding. Journal of Brand Management. 2002, Vol. 9. No. 4–5. pp. 229–239.
24. Shayekina Z.M., Tleuberdinova A.T., Ussenova D.M. Ocenka naibolee vostrebovannyh stranovyh brendov na mirovom turistskom rynke // Turism: pravo i economyca. – 2016. - № 2. – P.15-19.
26. Papadopoulos N., Heslop L.A., Berács J. National Stereotypes and Product Evaluations in a Socialist Country. International Marketing Review 1990: 7,1. pp. 32–46.
27. Fishbein M., Ajzen I. Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior. Reading, MA. Addison-Westley, 1975.
28. Berács J., Malota E. Consumer Ethnocentrism – the role of ethnocentrism and country of origin image in product choice. Vezetéstudomány, 2000/2. Április.
29. Jenes B. Measuring Country Image and Country Brand – Theory and Practice [Электронный ресурс]. URL:
30. Kobzeva S., Halturina D., Korotayev A., Kachkov D. Imidzh Rossii v mire: kolichestvennyi I kachestvennyi analiz.
31. Mozolin A.V. Metodika analiza imidzha I ego polozhenie v informacionnom prostranstve. Yekaterinburg, 2004. – 44 p.

The issue of mobile marketing development in Russia
Sekerin V.D., Dr.Sc., professor, head of department, Moscow Polytechnic University
Gorlevskaya L.E., Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Researcher V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences

The article is devoted to development of mobile marketing in Russia. The author describes mobile marketing growth factors and factors hindering its development. The analysis of mobile marketing' components was offered as well as directions of its improvement.
Keywords: mobile marketing, new communication channels, innovations in marketing, promotion.          

1. Oficial'nyj sajt Associacii mobil'nogo marketinga. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.07.2016).
2. Bugaev L. Mobil'nyj marketing. Kak zarjadit' svoj biznes v mobil'nom mire. — M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2012. — S. 11.
3. Oficial'nyj sajt konsaltigovogo agentstva J'son & Partners Consulting. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2016).
4. Issledovanie Web Index Mobile 2015- 2016, TNS Rossija, 700 000+, 12-64 let. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.07.2016)
5. Issledovanie Globalwebindex, 2014. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.05.2016).
6. Oficial'nyj sajt Associacii kompanij internet-torgovli. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2016).
7. Oficial'nyj sajt WARC, Adspend Database 2012-2016. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2016).
8. Oficial'nyj sajt konsaltigovogo agentstva J'son & Partners Consulting. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2016).
9. Issledovanie AC Nilsen, Fevral' 2014, 16+. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (дата обращения: 15.05.2015).
10. Oficial'nyj sajt WARC. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.07.2016).
11. Federal'nyj zakon ot 03.07.2016 N 281-FZ "O vnesenii izmenenij v Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii "O sredstvah massovoj informacii" i stat'i 5 i 38 Federal'nogo zakona "O reklame" [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija: 29.08.2016).



The study of marketing practices of music cafes positioning in major cities of Russia
Lyubchanskaya E.А., master, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, e-mail:
Shushkin M.А., Doctor of Economic Sciences of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, e-mail:

The present study analyzes the prospects of the development and positioning practices of one of the fastest growing segments of catering business in large cities of Russia. This study responds to a number of questions: Which forms of differentiations from competitors are the most demand among the researched cafes in big cities in Russia? What constraints and enabling factors of musical cafй format are the most important at the present? What is the potential in the segment? Which differentiation directions for music cafes are the most popular among customers? What marketing practices for these institutions are the most common?
Keywords: positioning, perception map, study-marketing practices.

1. Traut J. Pozicionirovanie. Bitva za uznavaemost'. SpB.: Piter, 2001.
2.  Diwan S.P. Development of empirically based customer-derived positioning typology//Journal of Strategic Marketing. – 2011. – Vol. 19. – No. 6. – Pp. 531–550.
3. Hooley G. Competitive positioning and the resource-based view of the firm//Journal of Strategic Marketing. – 2012. – Vol. 6. – No. 2. – Pp. 97–115.
4. Osgood C.E., Suci G.J. & Tannenbaum P.H. The measurement of meaning. Urbana: University of  llinois Press, 1975.
5. Dahl Sima. Positioning Your Brand / Sima Dahl // Journal of Marketing – American Marketing Association, 2014.
6. Currid Susanne. Build Your Tribe: The New Marketing Manifesto For Restaurants, Bars And Cafe’s Paperback/ Susanne Currid.– Panoma Press, 2013, Pp. 100–111.
7. Susskind A.M. & Chan E.K. How restaurant features affect check averages: a study of the Toronto restaurant market / The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 2000. – P. 41.



Strategic communications of educational organization: planning and management
Shevchenko D.А., Doctor of Economics, professor, head of department of marketing in the sphere of science and technologies of the Moscow Polytechnic University, Honorary member of the Guild of Marketers.Russia, e-mail:

In this article the aim is to explore the uniqueness of the Russian experience in building and implementing communication strategies in a competitive education market, analyze the basic forms, methods and tools of marketing management, advertising and PR, including for example, the leading US universities. The article is an attempt to prove that the public relations (PR) is the main structure of the integrating internal and external communications of the educational organization.
Keywords: educational organization, strategic communications, communication strategy, planning and management, integrated communications, promotion of educational services, marketing, advertising, public relations, PR, Moscow Polytechnic University.

1. Federal Law № 273 from 29.12.2012. «On Education in the Russian Federation»
2. RF Government Resolution from 15.08.2013/ №706. «approval of Rules of rendering of paid educational services»/
3. Ministry of Education and Science from 25.10.2013.  №1185
4. Ministry of Education and Science from 30.08.2013/ №1014
5. Baklanov A. G. Development of conceptual approaches applied marketing. - Moscow: MAKS Press, 2012.
6. Evstaf'ev V.A. The organization and practice of advertising agency. - M .: "Dashkov and K", 2017.- 512.
7. Kapon N., Kolchanov V., Makhalber Dzh. Marketing Management. - SPb .: Peter, 2010.Kotler F. Marketing 3.0. - Moskva: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2012.
8. Kotler F. Marketing 3.0. - Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2012.
9. Kunjavskij M.E., Kublin I.M., Rasporov K.O. Marketing Management in an industrial plant. - M .: International Relations, 2004..
10. Leongardt V. A. Management of marketing activities on industry-university business market - education. - Ekaterinburg: USPU 2012.
11. Nikitina T. E. Marketing in companies and corporations: Theory and Practice. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2012
12. Marketing Theory / from ed. M. Baker. SPb .: Peter, 2002.
13. Tret'jak O.A. Marketing: new directions in management model. Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2005.
14. Shevchenko D.A. Advertising, Marketing, PR/ - Ed. 3-rd recycled and addition. - M.: RSUH 2014.

Special event as a tool for enhancing customer loyalty to cultural institutions
Mitrofanova T.U., the Ryazan branch of the Moscow State Institute of Culture Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Management and Economics, e-mail:

The article states that the trade organizations to attract customers actively using one marketing communications tools – a special event, which laid the basis for socio-cultural mechanisms implemented, as a rule, experts of social and cultural activities. However, in a special event in cultural institutions, it is considered only within the framework of recreational, educational, educational functions, but not as an effective marketing tool. The author concludes the missed opportunities of cultural organizations in the field of event marketing and offers an approach to the estimation of costs of the event-related shares. The article describes examples of special events, cultural organizations implemented the Ryazan region, one of the objectives of which are, in my opinion, was the formation of consumer loyalty.
Keywords: marketing, special event, event-marketing, customer loyalty, marketing activities of cultural institutions, social and cultural activities, cost calculation of special events.

1. Novatorov V.E. Ivent-marketing kak trendovaya tehnologiya sotsialnokulturnoy deyatelnosti // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulturyi i iskusstv. 2014. №2 (58). S. 175-180.
2. Mitrofanova T.Y. Sozdanie imidzha organizatsii sotsialno-kulturnoy sferyi s pomoschyu PUBLIC RELATIONS tehnologiy // Kultura i obrazovanie. – Mart 2014. – №3 [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2016).
3. Tulchinskiy G.L., Gerasimov S.V. Lohina T.E. Menedzhment spetsialnyih sobyitiy v sfere kulturyi: Uchebnoe posobie. [Tekst] / G.L. Tulchinskiy. – SPb.: «Izdatelstvo «Lan», 2010. – 384 s.
4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Y. Tolkovyiy slovar russkogo yazyika: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskih vyirazheniy / Rossiyskaya akademiya nauk. Institut russkogo yazyika im. V.V. Vinogradova. – 4 -e izd., dopolnennoe. [Tekst] / S.I. Ozhegov. – M.: Azbukovnik, 2004. – 944 s.
5. Portal kulturyi i turizma Ryazanskoy oblasti [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 15.10.2016).
6. Gribnoy mir [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data o obrashcheniya: 15.10.2016).
7. Ivanchina E. Normirovanie deyatelnosti po organizatsii meropriyatiy. Primeryi raschetov // Spravochnik rukovoditelya uchrezhdeniya kulturyi. – 2016. – №11. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2016).
8. Prikaz Ministerstva kulturyi Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 26.08.2016 № 1947 «Ob utverzhdenii Primernogo polozheniya ob oplate truda rabotnikov federalnyih byudzhetnyih uchrezhdeniy kulturyi, iskusstva, obrazovaniya i nauki, nahodyaschihsya v vedenii Ministerstva kulturyi Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (Zaregistrirovan v Minyuste Rossii 23.09.2016 № 43774) [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL (data o obrashcheniya: 07.11.2016).



Client experience analysis of customer's comments in Russia's online stores
Prokhorova T.B., Faculty of Business and Management, School of Business Administration, Department of Company Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), assistant (Moscow), e-mail:,

This paper is devoted to the analysis of customer experience presented in reviews on Russia’s online stores, published on the Internet. Sample from the base of Russia's largest platform for e-commerce –Yandex.Market was used as the data for this study, containing more than 150,000 customer’s reviews. The objective of the study was to analyze customer reviews on stores and products, to identify factors that affect customer satisfaction.
Keywords:  online shop, e-commerce, customer experience, customer experience management, customer satisfaction.

1.  Schmitt B.H. (2003). Customer Experience Management: A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers. N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons.
2. Chen H. and Qi Y., 2016. The Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction with the Third Party Logistics Service Quality for Online Shopping.
3. Gentile C., Spiller N. & Noci G. (2007) How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co-create value with the customer // European Management Journal. – Vol. 25. – No. 5.– Pp. 395–410.
4. [Elektronnyy resurs] AKIT. Analitika: Internet torgovlya. Itogi pervogo polugodliya 2016 goda (URL:, data obrashcheniya: 26.09.2016)
5. Shaun Smith and Joe Wheeler Managing the Customer Experience: Turning customers into advocates // Financial Times Press, 2002.
6. Shaun Smith and Joe Wheeler Managing the Customer Experience: Turning customers into advocates // Financial Times Press. – 2002.
7.  Bernd H. Schmitt Customer Experience Management: A Revolutionary Approach to Connecting with Your Customers. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
8. Carbone L.P., Berry L.L. (2007). Build Loyalty Through Experience Management // Quality Progress. – Vol. 40. – No. 9. – Pp. 26–32.
8. Igor' Mann, Nadezhda Pominova TOCHKI onlayn kontakta, Sila Uma-Pablisher; Moskva; 2014.
9. Davis S., Longoria T. Harmonizing your ‘touch points’ // Brand Packaging, January/ February 2003.
10. Clemes, M.D., Gan, C., Kao, T.H. and Choong, M., 2008. An empirical analysis of customer satisfaction in international air travel. Innovative Marketing, 4(2), pp.50-62.
11. Davis S., Longoria T. Harmonizing your ‘touch points’ // Brand Packaging. – 2003. – January/ February.
12. Clemes M.D., Gan C., Kao T.H. and Choong M., 2008. An empirical analysis of customer satisfaction in international air travel // Innovative Marketing. – No. 4(2). – Pp. 50–62.
13.  Klaus P., Maklan S.  (2013). Towards a better measure of customer experience // International Journal of Market Research. – Vol. 55 Iss. 2. – Pp. 227–246.
14.  Albescu F., Pugna I. (2014). Marketing Intelligence – The Last Frontier of Business Information Technologies // Romanian Journal of Marketing. – Iss. 3. – Pp. 55–68.
15. Westenberg E. The Future of Retail Touchpoints. Extending Your Reach in the Consumer Shopping Journey // Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). – 01.2010. Pp. 1–12.
16. Adam Richardson Using Customer Journey Maps to Improve Customer Experience // Harvard Business Review. Blog Network. November 2010 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (дата обращения 26.09.2016).



Forecasting of a wheat market capacity based on a model creation of the interregional cross-industry balance
Chupin R.I., candidate of sociological sciences, research associate in Institute of economy and organization of industrial production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:
Aleshchenko V.V., doctor of economic sciences, vice-rector of research activities in Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, e-mail:
Aleshchenko О.А., junior research associate in Institute of economy and organization of industrial production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail:

The questions solution of food security requires use of effective evaluation methods and forecasting of food products markets, first of all, wheat. The author made assessment of model variables; the change sequence of basic processes in the market of grain raw materials in federal districts of Russia is determined. Forecast measure values of interregional cross-industry balance of the market of grain raw materials are determined. The forecast of wheat market capacity in Siberian Federal District till 2020 is constructed.
Keywords: market of wheat, cross-industry balance, forecasting, market capacity, federal district.

1. Koshelev B.S. Zernovoe proizvodstvo regiona v usloviyah rynka / B.S. Koshelev, V.F Stukach. – Omsk: Sfera, 2006. – 359 s.
2. Aleshchenko V. V., Aleshchenko О. А. i dr. Klasterny podhod k razvitiu agropromyshlennogo komplexa Omskoj oblasti / pod red. V. V. Карпова, V. V. Aleshchenko; IEOPP SО RАN. – Novosibirsk, 2014. – 415 s.
3. Optimizazionnye mezhregionalnye mezhotraslevye modeli / otv. red. А. G. Granberg, I. S. Matlin; IEOPP SО АN SSSR. – Novosibirsk: Nauka. Sib. otd, 1989. – 257 s.
4. Optimizazia territorialnyh system / pod red. S. А. Suspizyna: IEOPP SО RАN. – Novosibirsk, 2010. –  630 s.
5. Sistemnoe modelirovanie i analiz mesо- i mikroeconomicheskich objektov / otv. red. V. V. Kuleshov, N. I. Suslov; IEOPP SО RАN. – Novosibirsk, 2014. – 487 s.
6. Suslov V. I. Analiz i prognozirovanie prostranstvennogo economicheskogo razvitia Rossii s ispolsovaniem mezhotraslevych modeley // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie. – 2011. – № 3. – S. 93-105.
7. Analiticheskoe izdanie «Agroinvestor» // Agroinvestor. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 12.09.16).
8. Bulleteni sostoyania selskogo hosaystva (electronnye versii) // Rosstat. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 4.09.16).
9. Vestnik RSZ // Rossiyskiy Zernovoy Soyuz. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 4.09.16).
10. Gosudarstvennye zakupochnye intervenzii 2015 – 2016 гг. // Objedinennaya zernovaya kompanija. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 4.09.16).
11. Doklad «Sozialno-economicheskoe polozhenie Omskoj oblasti za janvar-ijul 2016 goda» // Omakstat. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 5.09.16).
12. ZernoSTAT // Informagentstvo «Zerno On-lain». – URL: (tochka dostupa: 5.09.16).
13. Monitoring «О tekuschej situazii na agroprodovolstvennom rynke» / Departament regulirovanija rynkov APK // Ministerstvo selskogo hozajstva RF. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 5.09.16).
14. Monitoring «Operativnaja informazia po otrasli rastenievodstva» // Ministerstvo selskogo hozajstva i prodovolstvia Omskoj oblasti. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 5.09.16).
15. Monitoring «Ezhenedelnyi obsor tsenovoj situatsii na agroprodovolstvennom rynke» // FGBU «Spezzentruchet v АPK». – URL: (tochka dostupa: 15.09.16).
16. Scenarnyj prognoz rasvitia zernovogo rynka Rossii // Analiticheskij tsentr pri Pravitelstve RF. – URL: (tochka dostupa: 12.09.16).



Impact of the marketing paradigm phase on global entrepreneurship methodology in goods production field
Syaglova Yu.V., PhD, associate professor of «Marketing and trade» department The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Institute of Public and Private Sector Management, e-mail:

This article describes the main maradigms stages, explains their cyclical patterns and the further development, the auther describes the cases of global enterpnenership companies, the emergence and manifestation of which is associated with the change of the marketing paradigm stage.
Keywords: marketing paradigms, cyclical nature, pattern, competitiveness.           

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5. Kiselev V. M., Korkacheva O.V., Savinkov S.V., Ivanov A.V., Fedorova A.V. Konvergentnaya koncepciya brendinga dlya korporativnogo povedencheskogo proektirovaniya // Vestnik Rossijskogo ehkonomicheskogo universiteta im. G.V. Plekhanova №5. – 2016. – S.23.
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7. Koncepciya Plain Packaging [Elektronnyy resurs]. Url:Сontent/tobacco-plain [data obrashcheniya: 10.10. 2016].
8. Materialy sammita Retail business Russia $ EAEU 2016 Материалы саммита Retail business Russia $ EAEU 2016. [Elektronnyy resurs].[data obrashcheniya: 01.10. 2016].
9. Otchet vserossijskogo centra izucheniya obshchestvennogo mneniya (VCIOM). Na chto orientiruyutsya potrebiteli tabachnoj produkcii pri pokupke sigaret. Press vypusk 3206 ot 22.09.2016 g. [Elektronnyy resurs].[data obrashcheniya: 07.10. 2016].
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11. Materialy sajta rospotrebnadzora [Elektronnyy resurs]. Url:[data obrashcheniya: 13.10. 2016].



List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Aboard» in 2016

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