Contents of N5/2015

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Contents of N5/2015


Theoretical and methodological basis of intangible assets market formation
Panova E.A., assistant, postgraduate student, department of marketing in Plekhanov university, e-mail:

Article considers structure of intangible assets, more important of its from marketing point of view are brand, reputation and image. Take place revising of evolution such definitions as intangible assets and its elements. Consider also risks of activities on intangible assets market. Characterizes different approaches to estimation of brand and reputation values.
Keywords: brand, image, competition, company, marketing, intangible assets, reputation, risk, market, efficiency.

1. Wikipedia. Date of viewing: 09/09/2013
2. Golubkov E. P. Principles of Marketing / EP Golubkov. - M .: Fin Press, 2013. - 688 p.
3. The Civil Code  on July 2nd, 2013 N 152. guarantee. [Electronic resource] - Electron. dan. - [200]. - Caps. from the screen. - Jaz. Rus. Date of view 09/17/2013
4. DankoT.P.Golubev M.P. Management and marketing, focused on cost. Textbook. -M .: INFRA-M, 2011. -416s.
5. Dushkina M.P. PR and promotion in marketing: communication and the impact of technology and psychology. Peter. 2010
6. Internet bilioteka. date view: 06/30/2014
7. Internet source of aphorisms. date view: 09/17/2013
8. Internet portal "MediaRevolyutsiya." date view: 05/21/2014
9. News of games. date view: 06/20/2014
10. Pankrukhin A.P. Marketing. 3rd ed. -  Omega-L, 2005. - 656 p.
11. RIA-Novosti. date view: 07/07/2014
12. Russian license. date view: 06/20/2014
13. Skorobogatykh I.I. Chinyaeva D.A. Comparative analysis of existing methodologies to assess the cost of the brand. Magazine "Marketing in Russia and abroad" №4 - 2003
14. Ozhegov. Electronic version. date view: 07/07/2013
15. SolovyevB.A. Marketing: studies. / B.A. Solovyov. - INFRA-M, 2012. - 383 p.
16. Soloviev B.A, Meshkov A.A., Musatov B.V. Marketing: A Textbook. - M .: Publishing House Ros. Ekon.akad., 2008. -320
17. Forbes. date view: 03/07/2014
18. Economic News. Electronic version. date view: 23.10.2012
19.  Aaker D.A. Creating strong brands. . – Publishing houseGrebennikov, 2008
20. Gardner B. The Product and the Brand / B. Gardner, SJ Levy // Harvard Business Review. - 1955. - Vol. 33. March-April. - №2. - P. 33-39
21. Ji B. The image of the company - planning, formation and promotion. - SPb .: Peter, 2000. - 224 p.
22. Lambeau Z.H. Strategic Marketing SPb: Science, 1996.
23. Knight F.X. Risk, uncertainty and profit. -Publishing house "Business", 2003, p.125.
24. Scott M. Cost factors: a guide for managers to identify the levers of creating stoimosti.-M.: UAB "Olympus-Business» .2000, 234
25. Smith A. The Wealth of Nations (Book I-III). / Per. with English, an introductory article and comments EM Mayburd. - M .: Nauka, 1993. – 572 p.



A strategy for the long-term development of the dairy industry in Russia in conditions of economic sanctions
Seyfullayeva M.E., Ph.D, Professor, Department of marketing, Plekhanov Russian university of economics, e-mail:
Murtuzalieva T.V., candidate of the economic sciences, Associate Professor, Department of marketing, Plekhanov Russian university of economics

The article analyzes the issues of implementation strategy of sustainable development of the dairy industry of Russia in conditions of economic sanctions and the possibility of rapid adaptation of Russian dairy enterprises under the changed conditions of the external environment.
Keywords:  marketing, marketing strategy, strategic decisions, strategic planning, competitive advantage, sustainable development, new technological structure, sanctions, import substitution.

1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 07.08.2014 N 778 "Оn measures on realization of the edict of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2014 N 560 on the application of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation".
2. Golubkov E.P. Marketing for professionals: practical course: – M.: YURAIT,  2014 - 473s.
3. Aganbegyan A. how to get out of the economic mire?//Argumety and facts, Moscow, № 34-2015, rubric "Delovaya sreda", p. 22.
4. Sayfullayeva M.E., Murtuzalieva T.V. Innovative marketing policy of Russian industrial enterprises in conditions of economic sanctions//Marketing in Russia and abroad, 2014, no. 6
5. Murtuzalieva T.V.., Sayfullayeva M.E. State and prospects of development of the dairy industry of Russia in the face of economic sanctions by the West.//Herald of the DISTRICT named after G.V. Plekhanov, 2014, no. 12.
6. Murtuzalieva T.V. Elaboration algorithm of marketing scenarios for the region’s social economic development // Problems and trends of economy and management in the modern world Proceedings of the International Conference. – 2012. – Sofia, Bulgaria. – P. 397–404.
7. Lenta Ru, 1 September-2015



Improved planning and monitoring of high-tech banking product business lines
Bryukhanov Y.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor in the Department of organizational and managerial innovations, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:
Sadykova A.K., head of retail sales center of SCOF JSC «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan», e-mail:
Chudrova V.U., lecturer, Department of management and entrepreneurship WKSU named after M. Utemisov, e-mail:

To efficiently manage the retail business of the bank requires periodic updates of the grocery business lines. It is essential to determine the duration of life cycles of products and the maintenance of a grocery business line at the stages of growth and maturity, based on the updating of the portfolio of services offered. The proposed methodological approach, the growth stage is determined on the basis of the significance of the correlation coefficient (strength of the statistical correlation) with the offset of the system response to control action. Automation of calculations in MS Excel allows you to use a methodical approach in practical sales management card products. As an indicator of the effect of issue of plastic cards accepted the balances on customer accounts – individuals.
Keywords: selling card products, account balances, correlation and regression analysis, the displacement response of the controlled system.

1. Bryukhanov Y.M., Sadykova A. K. Improving technology of managerial decision-making in the retail banking segment. // International scientific-practical conference "Faculty of management: 70 years of organizational and managerial innovations", collected articles, Moscow: Paleotype, 2015 . p. 23-28.
2. Lileev D.V. Plastic money // the Finance of Kazakhstan. 2012. N. 5. p. 30-31
3. Bodrov A.A., Senkus V.V. The concept and technology of commercial banks in managing relationships with private clients in the retail banking industry // proceedings of the international conference "Actual problems of modern Sciences", 2013, p. 48м



Methods of marketing research on the tourist market
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of “Economics and Management”, Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

The article analyzes the main directions of marketing research in tourism. Reveals the essence the most common methods of marketing research in tourism. In conclusion, the author suggests four staged method of marketing research on the tourist market, the main feature of which is the presence of phase foresight.
Keywords: marketing research, research methods, tourism market, Delphi method, case studies, foresight.

1. Durovich A.P. Marketing research in tourism. - Spb : "Peter", 2013.
2. Kvartal’nov V.A. Tourism. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2002.
3. Rozdol’skaya I.V. Marketing research in tourism / Rozdol’skaya I.V., Tyagunova N.M., Mozgovaya Yu.A. - Belgorod: Publishing, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, 2012.
4. Rozanova T.P. Marketing in tourism: a strategy for success. – M.: Publishing House of Plekhanov University, 1998.
5. Sokolov A.V. Foresight.: A look into the future / A.V. Sokolov // Foresight.. - 2007. - № 1. - p. 8-15.
6. Holloway, J.C. Marketing for tourism / J.C. Holloway. - K.: Knowledge, 2008.
7. Flyvbjerg B. Rationalitet og magt. – Akademisk Forlag: Copenhagen, 1991.
8. Hartl A. Developing Marketing Strategies for Tourism Destinations in Peripheral Areas of Europe: the Case of Bornholm. – Centre for Regional and Tourism Research: Bornholm, 2004.
9. Marketing in travel and tourism / Victor T.C. Middleton, Alan Fyall, Michael Morgan, Ashok Ranchhod. – Routledge, 2009.
10. Yin Robert K. Case study research: design and methods. – Sage Publications, 1994.

Problems and prospects of development of cross-border trade foreign online stores in Russia
Skorobogatykh I.I., Doctor of Economics (marketing), Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian Federation, Moscow,  e-mail:
Sidorchouk R.R., Doctor of Economics (marketing), Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:
Efimova D.M., Ph.D., Associate professor of the Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Russian Federation, Moscow, e-mail:

The capacity of the Russian market of online trading is pretty big. This is due to the gradual change in consumer preferences of places of purchase, the development of the Internet in Russia, and a fairly small amount of online stores. Especially little are presented foreign online stores. The authors suggested that this is due to the presence of some obstacles (difficulties), or low estimation of the prospects for work in the rapidly changing  Russian market. To clarify this assumption, a study was conducted in three phases: desk research, in-depth interviewing and qualitative survey of representatives of foreign online stores. The results allowed to identify and assess the significance of barriers (difficulties) to entering the Russian market o, as well as to sketch a picture of the impressions of the Russian market of online trading and learn the opinion of experts about the prospects of work on it.
Keywords: marketing, marketing research, Desk research, netnographic research, cross-border trade, online trade, online shopping.

1. Efimova DM, Belyaeva AK, Vasadze VG, Vorontsova EV, Kolesova SV The organization of primary data collection as an example the study of urban passenger transport in Moscow // Marketing MBA. Marketing management now. - 2015. - T. 6. - № 1. - S. 19-31.
2. Ramazanov IA, TN Paramonova, Uryaseva TI Musatova JB, Sydorchuk RR Prices and consumer sentiment population of Russia during the crisis // Initiative XXI. - 2015. - № 1-2. - S. 13-20.
3. Market of e-commerce. Results in (the date of circulation: 20.09.2015).
4. Saginova OV Skorobogatykh II, Jerome D. Globalization and Cross-Cultural Marketing // Proceedings of the Russian Economic University. GV Plekhanov. - 2011. - № 3 (3). - S. 107-118.
5. Senchenkov A. Cross-border trade is becoming a (the date of circulation: 10.04.2014).
6. Skorobogatykh II, Sydorchuk RR, Grinyova OO, Kaderova VA Armchair research niche markets // Marketing and marketing research. - 2013. - № 3. - S. 224-232.
7. Sydorchuk RR The marketing aspect of the formation of the optimal range of industrial goods for the small business // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2009. - № 1. - pp 23-30.
8. Sydorchuk RR Tasks, problems and barriers of small businesses in the process of modernization of the Russian economy // Creative Economy. - 2012. - № 5. - S. 96-101.
9. Sydorchuk RR, Kudryashova AA Intelligence research in the field of personal services konserzhservisa class "luxury" // Marketing MBA. Marketing management now. - 2015. - T. 6. - № 1. - S. 52-68.
10. Fund "Public Opinion» (the date of circulation: 05.10.2014).



What time lengths should I use for my tv campaign
Considers the differences in the performances of different ad lengths. It was shown that both long and short ads are equally efficient at generating brand-linked memorability and delivering primary messages. Short ads may offer some cost efficiencies in terms of persuasion, since the same money will generate more exposures.
Keywords:  advertising, impact, awareness index, branded memorability, persuasion, enjoyment, emotional response, message communication, involvement.

1. Millward Brown. Методика (база данных) Link™, R&T
2. Millward Brown Digital’s Mobile Creative Best Practices, 2014.

The naming and the graphic design as the tools of brand positioning on the ecoproduct’s market
Pletneva N.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of sub-faculty of marketing and logistic Saint-Petersburg State University for Commerce and Economics (Saint-Petersburg), e-mail:

The article is devoted to the practice aspects of create of verbal and visual identity on example of the project of create of the network of farm shops in the Saint-Petersburg. The material of the article is result of cooperating of the author and creative agencies, it shows us aspects us the create of the communicative brand’s platform, the definition of semantic field and phonetic analysis of verbal brand, the create of positioning map of name, and also the choice of font, color, symbols, factures and corporative hero for visual brand.
Keywords:  ecomarketing, ecoproducts, retail, ecobrand, naming, brand’s platform, positioning, verbal identity, visual identity.

1. Civil code of Russian Federation. – [Electronic source]. – URL: http: (28.07.2015)
2. Bojuk S.G., Maslova T.D., Pletneva N.A.. The forming of organization social capital by the ecomarketing’s tools//Vestnik SPbGEU. Economics. – № 2 (69). – 2014.
3. Golombinsky, К., Hagen R. Add air! The base of visual design for graphic, web and multimedia. – SPb.: Piter, 2013. – 272 p.: pic.
4. Krasnostavskaya N.V. To the question of graphic design of ecobrand’s communication / In the World of Scientific Discoveries/ Krasnoyarsk: Research and innovation centre. – 2015. – № 5 (65).
5. The open information system of municipality «Moya Okruga».- [Electronic source]. (28.07.2015)
6. Pletneva N.A. Ecomarketing as the Mainstream Business-Conception in the Food Retail Section/Practical Marketing . –2015. – № 1.
7. Site of agency «Lexica». – [Electronic source]. URL: (28.07.2015)
8. Hambry, R. The most complete directory. Graphic. – М.: АSТ: Astrel, 2008. – 192 p.: pic.

Co-branding as a non-traditional method of communication with the consumer environment
Gubanov R.S., PhD, a senior fellow at the Center for Industrial Economics of the Federal State byudzhetnogo uchrezhdeniya «Research Institute of Finance», e-mail:

The article describes the need for the use of co-branding in order to expand the target audience and increase sales. Describe the principles of branding and the conditions for the development of an effective strategy of product promotion, including through co-branding. Illustrated by the example of co-branding in the market of banking services in the form of consumer interaction with the environment through the use of premium co-branded cards.
Keywords:  brand, branding, co-branding, marketing, communications, consumer environment.  

1. Golubkov E. P. anti-Crisis marketing: economic crisis and opportunities of marketing in crisis // Marketing in Russia and abroad No. 4 (108) – 2015. – P. 17.
2. Grodnitskaya I. D. Strategy of focusing on niche enterprise of sphere of services B-2-B market // Marketing and marketing research № 04(118) – 2015. – 260.
3. Gubanov R. S. Crowdsourcing in banking practice: the nature, benefits and opportunities // Financial management No. 3. – 2015. – P. 136.
4. Jurchenkov M. Modeling of consumer behavior in B2B sector // Marketing № 6 (133). – 2013. – P. 48-49.
5. How to aim for success // BusinessExcellence № 5 (203). – 2015. – P. 30.
6. Kotler, Philip Brand management in the B2B area / Philip Kotler, per. s angl. E. V. Vinogradova; scientific. edited by V. N. Domnin. – Moscow: Vershina, 2007. – 432 p.
7. Rozhkov I. Y. Branding: a textbook for bachelors / I. Rozhkov, V. G. Camerasin. – M.: Urait, 2013. – 331 p.
8. Khmelkov N. In. About understanding the relationship between brands in co-branding // Marketing and marketing research No. 02 (92) – 2011. – P. 113.
9. Khmelkov N. In. What determines the elasticity of the brand // Marketing and marketing research No. 05 (101) – 2012. – P. 370.
10. Shevchenko E. A. Marketing of premium Bank cards // Marketing communications № 1 (49). – 2009. – P. 25.

Country’s branding as way of competitiveness increasing and investment appeal of the countries and companies
Akulich M.V., Belarusian National Technical University, Associate Professor, Ph.D, e-mail:

In article is considered aspects of use of country branding as way of increase of competitiveness and investment appeal of the countries and companies. Describes the factors and the advantages of developing the country brand. Put forward proposals to improve the country’s image.
Keywords: country branding, country brand, announcement of the country, competitiveness of the country, investment appeal of the country, image of the country, marketing of the territory, history of the countries, stories of goods, stories of the companies.       

1. Akulich, M. V. Problems of export of brands/M.V. Akulich//The Brand management, 2011 - No. 2.
2. Akulich M. Consumers, countries and brands/M.V. Akulich//The Brand management, 2011 - No. 4.
3. Akulich M. V. Country brand. The collection of scientific works of faculty of business and management of BGATU – Minsk – BGATU 2012 - page 47-50.3.
4. Akulich M. V. Announcement of the country as way to increase in its competitiveness. World economy and business administration of small and medium-sized enterprises. Materials of the 10th International scientific seminar held within the 11th International scientific and technical conference "Science — to Education, Production, Economy". On January 3, 2013, Minsk, BNGU, 2013, page 105-109.
5. Ryzhankov M. F. Akulich M. V. About universal language of brands. Branding development. The collection of scientific works of faculty of business and management of BGATU – Minsk – BGATU 2012 - page 137-142.
6. Allan M. (2007) Place Branding: The Journal of the Medinge Group, 2 (1): 45–64.
7. Anholt S. (2005) Brand new justice. Revised ed. London: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 1 (3): 59–77.
8. Anholt S. (2006). Editorial. Why brand? Some practical considerations for nation branding. Place Brand., 2 (2): 97–107.
9. Ilgen T. (2006) Hard Power, Soft Power And The Future Of Transatlantic Relations. Ashgate Publishing, 4 (4): 27.
10. Olins W. (2002). Opinion piece: Branding the nation: The historical context. Brand Manage., 9(4/5): 241–248.
11. Papadopolous N., Heslop L. (2002). Country equity and country branding: problems and prospects. J. Brand Manage., 9(4): 294–314.
12. Szondi G. (2007). The role and challenge of country branding in transition countries: The central and eastern European experience. Place Brand. Public Diplomacy, 3(4): 8–20.
13. Vatahov I. (2006). Branding a country. Mass Media Matters, Episode 2(1): 53–65.



Improving the competitiveness of industrial enterprises through the development and implementation of the program of innovative development
Chaikov M.Y., Candidate of Tech.Sc., Assoc. Prof. in FGAOU VPO “Ural Federal University by First President of Russia” Ekaterinburg, e-mail:

This article describes a newly developed original method of formation of the innovative development program (IDP) the industrial enterprise. The criteria for attributing events to innovative for all sorts of innovation. Developed general principles that must be met for the event feast.
Keywords: competitiveness, innovation, innovative development program, polnometrazhnoe industrial enterprise, the criteria of innovation.

1. Development strategy of science and innovation in the Russian Federation for the period till 2020 Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on scientific and innovation policy (minutes dated 15.02.2006 №1)/ConsultantPlus.
2. Henry Ford. My life. My achievements. M., Finance and statistics, 1989.
3. Akio Morita. Made in Japan. Moscow, Progress, 1990.
4. The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation dated 31.01.2011 No. 3P-PF "On approval of methodological materials on the development of innovative development programs of joint stock companies".
5. Order of the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation dated 01.11.2012 №1618 "On approval of criteria of attribution of goods, works and services to innovation products".
6. Order of the Ministry of communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2013 №286 "On approval of criteria of attribution of goods, works, services to innovative products".
7. The order of the Federal migration service of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2014 №330 "On approval of criteria of attribution of goods, works, services to innovative products".
8. The OSLO manual. Recommendations for the collection and analysis of data on invasian, OECD, Eurostat, 3rd ed. M., 2010 – 107 PP.
9. I. M. Bortnik Interview journal journal of innovation 15.07.2005innovbusiness. ru/content/document_r_C16E136D-F4B8-438A-B9B8-A33A95AB3860.html
10. GOST R 5 4147-2010. "Strategic and innovation management. Terms and definitions";
11. M. Y. Chaikov Enhancing competitiveness by improving the innovation activities at the enterprise / Marketing in Russia and abroad, №5, 2009.
12. M. Magura, M. Kurbatova. The secrets of motivation. M., human resource Management, 2007.



Formation and advance of a brand of a higher educational institution in the market of educational services on a basis of event-marketing
Botnaryuk M.V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of «Economy and management» Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail:

In the article features are investigational and a look is presented an author to the process of forming and advancement of brand of higher educational establishment at the market of educational services on the basis of event-marketing. The methods of the event marketing are considered and directions of leadthrough of measures, oriented to strengthening of brand of Institute of higher in the context of specific of buyers, not only university entrants but also potential employers are included in the number of which are offered.
Keywords: market, educational services, marketing information, event-marketing, brand, extended complex of marketing.

1. Vepritskaya V.S. Features event-marketing on the example of the races on tractors «Bison - tracks – SHOW» [Electronic version]: access Mode: – 28.06.2015.
2. The main thing about event marketing [Electronic version]: access Mode: URL: URL:–28.06.2015.
3. Golubkov E.P. Once again the issue of some of the fundamental concepts of marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2010. – 4. – Р.115-126.
4. Golubkov E.P. Principles of Marketing. - M .: Business and Service, 2008. – 704 p.
5. Open Days [Electronic version]: access Mode: – 28.06.2015.
6. Why attend the Open Day at the universities [Electronic version]: access Mode: URL: – 28.06.2015.
7. Luhmeneva E.P., Рotassium O.M. Features of formation and promotion of the brand of the university // Herald OGU. – 2012. – 13 (149). – рр. 228-231.
8. Marketcom [Electronic version]: access Mode: – 28.06.2015.
9. Event-marketing [Electronic version]: access Mode: – 28.06.2015.
10. Event-marketing: objectives and methods of achieving [Electronic version]: access Mode: URL:
11. To the holiday has gone or Basics of event-маркетинга [Electronic version]: access Mode: URL: – 28.06.2015.
12. Shnurovozova T. How to create a favorable psychological climate in the team? [Electronic version]: access Mode: URL:– 28.06.2015.
13. Event-маркетинг [Electronic version]: access Mode: – 28.06.2015.

Marketing syndicated loans
Tarasov A.A., Ph. D. in Economics, Executive MBA program of the Institute of Business Studies RANEPA and Antwerp Management School, e-mail:

This paper is dedicated to an overview of syndicated loans marketing. The key steps of the marketing process are descibed, including the issuance of press-releases.
Keywords: marketing of financial instruments, syndicated lending, marketing in financial institutions.

1. Taylor А., Sansone A. The Handbook of Loan Syndications and Trading. McGraw-Hill, 2006, 982 p.

Using electronic marketing and e-commerce as a means of promotion and selling of hotels services
Baumgarten L.V., Cand. tech. sciences, senior researcher. comp., associate professor, dep. physical culture and tourism MUH, e-mail:

The article discusses the possible directions of use of Internet marketing in the  practical activities of hotel companies. Shows the possible access paths to the Internet for the hotel enterprise with the purpose of the implementation of distribution and marketing of its products and services. Examples of increase of efficiency of activity of hotels for online booking.
Keywords: Internet, marketing, access, hotel, distribution, sale, operation, efficiency.

1. Galochkin A. Simple techniques that increase sales of a specific site / Hotel and restaurant: business and Mgmt. 2012. – No. 7.м
2. Efremova M. V., Korotin D. V. Problems and prospects of Internet sales in tourism and hotel sectors of Russia // Management in Russia and abroad. – 2012. – No. 5.
3. Kostin K. B. Internet marketing as an innovative effective means of development in the Russian hotel management networks / K. B. Kostin, K. G. Dyakova, in proc. scientific. Tr. Sworld. – 2012. – Vol. 20, No. 2. – [Electronic resource]. – Access (9.10.2014).
4. Mobile advertising and mobile marketing. According to the magazine "Marketing Management" for 2009 [Electronic resource]. – Access
5. Ovcharenko A. the online booking System: who benefits // hospitality Academy (Kiev). – 2012. – № 4. -- [Electronic resource]. – Access
6. Online booking - only the discount or profit? // Rhotel, 2012 (April 12). – [Electronic resource]. – Access
7. Sinitsyn V. Internet as a means to attract customers // Hospitality. – 2013, September.
8. Uspensky, I. V. Internet marketing : textbook. – SPb.: Publishing house Spoif, 2003. – [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (
9. Fomin S. E sales: how to make a complex habitual // Rhotel, 2008 (22 October). – [Electronic resource]. – Access
10. Fomin S. Distribution at electronic booking systems // – 2007 (August 28).

Marketing tourism – the main component of the successful functioning of the industry
Kim E.A., Samarkand State University, high researcher, e-mail:

This article discusses the key indicators of the development of tourism in the world and Uzbekistan. It analyzes carried out by «Uzbektourism» strategy to promote the national tourist product. Also disclosed is the main problem of marketing of tourism organizations and provide practical recommendations for its decision.
Keywords: national tourism organization, tourism policy, marketing strategy, world tourism organization.

1. UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2015 Edition (in English)
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education National Company "Uzbektourism "" from  22.07.1992 year № UP-447
3. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 360 "On further improvement of activity of the National Company" Uzbektourism "" from 28.07.2004 year
4. WTTC Travel and Tourism Economic Impact 2015 Uzbekistan (In English)



Case study: strategy of Disney company
Golubkov E.P., honored science worker of Russia, doctor of economics, professor, head of chair “Entrepreneurship and management” of  Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:

This case study will examine Disney company strategy in several sections. Three elements of successful strategy formulation and a fourth element, which exemplifies the implementation process of company strategy, will be looked at. Followed by this, an analysis of key factors contributing to this strategy will be detailed. These include looking at Wal-Mart’s competitive strategy, the CEO’s leadership, and company strategy strengths and weakness assessment.
Keywords: srategy, competitive strategy, key factors, strengths and weakness assessment, strategic goals, customer satisfaction, retailing, marketplace, pricing, advertising, stakeholders.

1. Bernstein Aaron. Labor Finally Puts A Target on Wal-Mart» Business Week, Dec. 6, 2000.
2. Canadian Business and Current Affairs «A giant, yes. Gentle, no: Wal-Mart stumbles into a cultural chasm» January, 1996 V.69: 23,24.
3. Quinn Bill. How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and the World, Berkeley CA: Ten Speed Press, 2000.
4. Reid Keith. «The Wal-Mart Approach» National Petroleum News. May 2001: 20.
5. «Wal-Mart and Sumitomo Corporation Agree to Acquire Strategic Stake in Seiyu With View to Long-term Partnership», March 14, 2002.
6. «Wal-Mart Sites Opportunities, Relentlessly Pursues Them» MMR, December 17, 2001: 99.
7. Golubkov E.P. Strategic Management. – M.: Urait, 2015.



GfK study: Americans, Canadians and British are happiest with amount of leisure time
Alexander Fedotov, Communications Specialist, GfK Rus



List of thesises on marketing defended in 2015 (first half-year)
Limarev P.V., PhD economy, associate professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, e-mail:

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