Contents of N1/2014

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Interest in electric vehicles held back by perceived lack of direct personal benefits
Stetsenko Y.V., Marketing & Communications Manager, GfK Rus, e-mail:

The article contains the results of a GfK SE international research survey on the attitude towards electric vehicles, which was conducted in China, Japan, France, Spain, Russia and the United States in the beginning of 2013. The results of the survey show that the readiness to buy an electric vehicle is relatively high in all the countries, where the survey was conducted, with Japan and Russia being the leaders. Chinese are less interested because of the price and reliability. The consumers who plan to buy a luxury car brand are more open to the consideration of an electric vehicle.
Keywords: research, electric vehicles, automotive

Marketing research of consumer demand on the functional products by the example of Saratov city
Nepovinnykh N.V., Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences,associate Professor of the chair oftechnology of meat and dairy products, e-mail

The attitude of the population the cite of Saratov to the use of the functional products based on cottage cheese whey and curd products, containing dietary fibres was studied.
Keywords: consumer preference analysis, cottage cheese whey, dietary fibres.

1. Hramtsov, A.G. Phenomenon of cheese whey / A.G. Hramtsov. - St. Petersburg Profession, 2012.
2. Prosekov, A.Y. Gel -based drinks of hydrolyzed cheese whey / A.Y. Prosekov , S.G. Kozlov, I.I. Murugova // Beer and Beverage. – 2004. – ¹ 4. – P. 76.
3. Krupin, A.V. Development of technology for production of secondary raw milk drinks / A.V. Krupin, L.A. Ostroumov, I.S. Razumnikova // Advances in science and technology APC. – 2009. – ¹ 7. – PP. 64 – 65.
4. Nepovinnykh, N.V. Improvement of technology oxygen cocktail / N.V. Nepovinnykh, V.N. Grosheva, N.M. Ptichkina // Engineering and technology of food production. – 2013. – ¹ 3. – PP.41–44.
5. GOST R 52349-2005. Foodstuffs. Functional food. Terms and definitions. – M.: Standartiform, 2005.
6. Ptichkin, I.I. Dietary polysaccharides: structural and functional levels / I.I. Ptichkin, N.M. Ptichkina. - Printing number 6, Saratov, 2012.
7. Gabinskay, O.S. Theoretical and practical approaches to assessing the competitiveness of drinks based on consumer preferences: Dis . ... Doctor . tehn. Sciences. – Kemerovo, 2012.
8.Tereschuk, L.V. Market research of vegetable oils (city of Kemerovo) / L.V. Tereshchuk, S.R. Tsaregorodtseva // Practical Marketing. – 2006. – ¹ 12. – PP. 35 – 38.
9. Drapkina, G.S. Consumer valuation drinks therapeutic and prophylactic action on the example of Kemerovo / G.S. Drapkina, S.N. Kravchenko, M.A. Postolova // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2007. – ¹ 2. – PP. 59–63 .
10. Shkolnikova, M.N. Study of the real and potential consumers of soft balms Biysk / M.N. Shkolnikova, E.V. Averianova, I.V. Shcheglova // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2007. – ¹ 5. – PP. 15–28.
11. Drapkina, G.S. Analysis of consumer behavior in the market fortified foods / G.S. Drapkina, S.N. Kravchenko, M.A. Postolova // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2008. - ¹ 4. – PP. 122–125
12. Popov, A.M. Market extracts and enriched their products ( Novokuznetsk ) / A.M. Popov, S.N. Kravchenko, O.V. Elkina // Practical Marketing. – 2009. – ¹ 3. – PP. 31–34.
13. Kozlova, N.I. Marketing research consumer preference for drinks with antioxidant properties/ N.I. Kozlova, M.N. Shkolnikova // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. - 2009. - ¹ 5. – PP. 18–26.



How to sell after the first selling
Rjabov A.G., Moscow State Regional Institute for the Humanities (MGOGI), Associate Professor, PhD, a business consultant and a founder of the consulting agency "Sky-consult", a marketing consultant and building effective business systems,e-mail:
Babayev V.R., A business consultant and a founder of the consulting agency "Sky-consult" sales and negotiations coach, e-mail:

This article is devoted both to the basis of the first- and after- selling and to the technics to do them the best. The most important for it are the so basic terms as the learning of a client’s portrait and his need, the appearance of motivation and the positioning, and only after it the technics of cross-sell, up-sell and selling after the first selling.  Only this kind of business gets a competitive edge.
Keywords: Loyal customer, repeat sales, sales psychology, marketing, technology of repeat sales

1. W. Chan Kim Renee Mauborgne How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, 2005.
2. J. Wumek, D. Johnes Lean production, 2005.
3. BrianSolis. Change: LessonsonWhat'sNext. Entrepreneur. – 2010. – December 31.
4. TrautJ. Be differentiated or die. – SPb.: Peter, 2006.
5. LevitasÀ.Bolshe of money from your business: the latent methods of increase in profit. – SPb.: Peter, 2008.
6. Materials of trainings on NLP and psychology of sales from A.Verjutina and D.Novoseltsev. – SPb., 2012.
7.  Abraham J. Think as the genius of marketing. – Âûï. 2. – 2011. Video:
8. NLP. Robert Dilts. System thinking and application NLP in business.
9. VeryutinÀ. Master-klass «Construction non-competitive businesses and negotiations» in Moscow in January, 2013



Analysis of marketing communications on the exhibition market
Kostrova S.V., 5-year student, Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics, e-mail:
Fedorova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences Department "Commerce and Marketing Research ", Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics,

The article presents the results of the analysis of marketing communications Development Association of Medical Information Technology, aimed at visitors and exhibitors of an annual international exhibition «MedSoft».
Keywords: marketing communications, marketing complex, direct marketing, advertising, sales promotion, PR, exhibition activities, segmentation, visitor's profile, the profile of the exhibitors, the exhibitor.

1. N. Alexandrova, E. Sorokin, I. Filonenko Exhibition management. Toolkit. – Rostov- N / A : Expert Bureau , 2001. – 212.
2. Gusev EB Prokudin VA Salashchenko AG Exhibition activity in Russia and abroad: Study guide . – M.: Dashkov K. 2004.
3. F. Kotler Marketing Management / Translated from English. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2002.
4. Petelin VG Exhibition management : technologies and know-how. – M.: IPKIR 2002.
5. Strovsky LE, ED Frolov and other basics of exhibition activity - Textbook. benefits. for universities. – M: Unity - Dana, 2005.

Research of competitive market of exhibition services
Simonov K.V., Cand.Econ.Sci., MBA, chief manager of «RLP-Yarmarka» Ltd., e-mail:

The research of the competitive market of exhibitions and fairs regularities is carried out. Market segmentation on the product specialization, geographical binding, and also from the point of view of exposhows purposes and aims is fulfilled. Competition levels and competing groups of exhibitions are defined. Competitive strategy of pricing in exhibition business are stated. Competitive purposes and strategies of expobusiness are discussed. Models of competitive actions and strategies of innovative behavior of expobusiness are considered. The types of expobusiness reactions on competitive attacks are described.
Keywords: exhibition services, exhibitions, expobusiness, competition, market

1. Exhibition and fair activity. Terms and definitions. GOST P 53103-2008. – M.: Standartinform, 2009.
2. Kotler F. Marketing management. – Peter Come. – 2003.
3. Novikov V. S. Innovations in tourism. – M.: IÑ Academy, 2007.
4. Simonov K.V. Expoactivities today: business conditions and administrative technologies. – M.: INFRA-M Research Center, 2014.

Interactive technology as a main factor in promoting the brand of the University
Ponomarenko Yu.S., Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing and economic theory, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Zubrilina E.A., student, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction,e-mail:

One of the main features of the educational services market today is the growing competition of higher educational institutions for attraction of potential students. It is necessary to form their own identification system of the educational institution that will point to the uniqueness of the University. This and other problems of marketing of an educational institution is intended to solve the branding of the University, one of the most effective instruments of which is the use of interactive technologies in brand promotion of the University.
Keywords: interactive technology, the brand of the university, web office, SEO analytics, social networks

1. Gvozdenko A.N. Russian economic universities: the image or market share? // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2011 – ¹2. – C.116-119.
2. Groshev I.V., V. Yuriev University as an object branding // Higher education in Russia. 2010 – ¹1. – C. 23-29.
3. Ovechkin A. Promotion of the brand with the help of Internet marketing: basic tools // Brand management, 2009 – ¹2. – P.84–91
4. Reznik, A., Savenkova, Yu. S. Forming of the program of loyalty as a factor of competitiveness of the University/ Yu. S. Savenkova, G. A. Reznik // prob-lems of management theory and practice. – 2009. – ¹2. - C. 83–92.
5. Savin A. capture loyalty in social network // Marketing communications, 2011 – ¹5. – C. 258–267.

Sluggishness of Russian medium-sized businesses is the result of brand strategies’ lack
Tsaregorodtsev A.V., The Head of REALPRO Branding company, Member of European Packaging Design Association, Member of Executive Board of Russian Branding Companies Association, e-mail:

Questions of developing business with branding and marketing instruments are raised in the article. Author tells about their influence on current position of Russian medium-sized businesses and proves the importance of brand strategy. On expert`s opinion strategy is a key factor in making your brand strong and competitive. It`s strategy that helps to integrate in market`s map and start non-price competing.
Keywords: Brand, Strategy, Marketing, competition, middle-size business, communication channel.

1. Association Of Russian Branding Companies [Electronic resource] / Association Of Russian Branding Companies -Available at:
2. Branding company REALPRO [Electronic resource] / About company – Available at:
3. Branding company REALPRO [Electronic resource] / Branding company REALPRO - Available at:
4. «InEcA-consulting» [Electronic resource] / Ecological compatibility as a platform for innovations. Eco-Bulletin InEcA: Archive: ¹ 6 (131): ECOTECHNOLOGIES - Available at:
5. «Kommersant. Publishing house» [Electronic resource] / Ú – Firm`s Secret – Designers` friend - Available at:
6. LLC «The very juice Kuzbas» [Electronic resource] / Alexey Tsaregorodtsev – The journal The very juice – Novokuznetsk - Available at:
7. [Electronic resource] / Branding company REALPRO – Business-blogs – - Available at:
8. [Electronic resource] / Advertising Marketing PR - SOSTAV.RU - Available at:
9. [Electronic resource] / Word by word | Advertising Marketing PR - SOSTAV.RU - Available at:
10. [Electronic resource] / Test-drive for branding strategy | Advertising Marketing PR - SOSTAV.RU - Available at:
11. [Electronic resource] / REALPRO shows «Care» | Advertising Marketing PR - SOSTAV.RU - Available at:
12. [Electronic resource] / site about creativity. Advertising, design, photography, art - Available at:
13. LiveJournal [Electronic resource] / Branding company REALPRO - Available at:
14. Youtube. The program «Business and career» [Electronic resource] / TV program about branding with Alexey Tsaregorodtsev, REALPRO. – YouTube - Available at:

Cultural values in marketing communication appeals: focused on Russian TV advertising
Rakova O.V., Master of Humanities (Advertisement and Promotion) Associate Researcher, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:
Baek Jee Hee, Ph.D, Technological Advisor/Professor of Hongik University Depute Manager, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:

Despite the fact that cultural research in advertising is gradually increasing, only a few studies about Russian advertising have been conducted. The purpose of this study is to analyze how cultural characteristics are reflected in TV advertising. The study was also done to determine if cultural values varied between product categories.
Keywords: Marketing Communication, TV Advertising/Commercial, Russian Advertising, Cultural Values, Content Analysis.

1. Albers-Miller, N. D., & Gelb, B. D.(1996). Business advertising appeals as a mirror of cultural dimensions: A study of eleven countries. Journal of Advertising, 25(4), 57-71.
2. Belk, R.W. & Pollay, R.W.(1985). Advertising themes and cultural values: A comparison of US and Japanese advertising. Academy of International Business, Hong Kong.
3. Bollinger, D. (1994). The Four Cornerstones and Three Pillars in the “House of Russia” Management System, Journal of Management Development, 13(2), 49-54.
4. De Mooij, M.(1997). Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes, Thousands Oak, CA: Sage.
5. Gram M. & Niss, H. (1998). Different Parents, Different Dreams: a Comparison of Cultural Values Manifest in Danish, German and British Advertisements, In International Marketing, Proceeding, Vol. II : 27th EMAC Conference Marketing Research and Practice, Stockholm 20-23 May, 1998.
6. Hall, E. T. (1976). Beyond Culture. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
7. Hofstede, G.(1980). Culture's consequences: international differences in work-related values, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
8. Hofstede, G.(1990). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, London: McGraw-Hill.
9. International Monetary Fund (2012). World Economic Outlook: Growth Resuming, Danger Remain, IMF.
10. Kassarjian, H. H.(1977). Content Analysis in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 4, 8-18.
11. Milner, L., & Collins, J.(2000). Sex-Role Portrayals and the Gender of Nations. Journal of Advertising, 29(1), 67-79.
12. Moon, Young-Sook (2003). Advertising Appeals and Cultural Dimensions: - a Comparison of Korean an Hong Kong Television Commercials, KOBACO Advertising Research, 59, 49-67.
13. PwC (2011), Media market in Russia: A future full of potential: Key facts and figures 2011-2015, PwC Russia.
14. Pollay, R.W.(1983). Measuring the Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising, Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 71-92.
15. Pollay, R. W., & Gallagher, K. (1990). Advertising and cultural values: Reflections in the distorted mirror. International Journal of Advertising, 9, 359-372
16. Rokeach, M.(1973). The Nature of Human Values, New York: Free Press.
17. Schwartz, S.H. (1994). Beyond individualism/collectivism: New dimensions of values. Individualism and Collectivism: Theory Application and Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
18. Schwartz, S. H. & Bilsky, W. (1987). Toward a universal psychological structure of human values,  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 550-562.
19. Srikandath, S.S. (1991). Cultural values depicted in India television advertising, The International Journal for Mass Communication Studies, Vol. 48, pp.165-175.
20. Shao, A., Raymond M.A. & Taylor C.R.(1999). Shifting Advertising Appeals in Taiwan. Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (6), 61-69.
21. Tansey, Richard, Hyman, Michael, R., Zinkhan, George, M. (1990). Cultural themes inBrazilian and U.S. auto ads: A cross-cultural comparison, Journal of Advertising, 19(2), 30-39
22. Taylor, C. R., Miracle, G. E., & Wilson, R. D.(1997). The impact of information level on the effectiveness of U.S. and Korean television commercials, Journal of Advertising, 26(1), 1-18.
23. Trompenaars, F. & Hampden-Turner, C. (1997). Riding the waves of culture: Understanding cultural diversity in business, London: Nicholas Brealey.
24. Zandpour, F., Campos, V., Catalano, J., Chang, C., Cho, Y. D., Hoobyar, R., Jiang, S., Lin, M., Madrid, S., Scheideler, H., & Osborn, S. T.(1995). Global reach and local touch: Achieving cultural fitness in TV advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 9/10 35-63.
25. Belinskaya Å. (2003). The system of personal values in the perspective of tolerance, Tolerance Century, 5, 61-72.
26. Voskanyan Ì. (2010). Russian mentality in organizational culture: algebra and harmony, Matherials of the seminar in Institute of Dynamic Conservatism.
27. Vasiliev S.V. (2007). Comparative Management: Study Manual, Novgorod State University named Yaroslav Mudry.
28. Elin D.V. (2010). Contadictions of the process of globalization: Localization and Glocalization, Society: Politics, Economics and Law, 1, 14-17.
29. Karandashev V.N. (2004). Schwartz methodology for studying personality values, Rech.
30. Kulikova L.V. (2004). Intercultural communications: theoretical and practical aspects, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University.
31. Naumov À.I. (1996). Russian culture by the Hofstede model (the influence of national culture on business management), Management, 3, 70-103.
32. Rychkova A.A. (2012). Values and needs in the perception of the advertising message, Young Scientist, 12, 589-592.
33. Spivak V.A. (2004). Organizational Culture, Nava.
34. CIA World Factbook : Russia, Retrieved 18 February 2012.
35. Geert Hofstede official site,
36. GIM Russia Marketing Research center, hppt://
37. Wikipedia,

Shop sign of a children’s specialized shop as a type of outdoor advertising
Danilova A.P., student ofthe 4th yearina branchOmGPUTara,e-mail:
Bahmat N.V.,Art. Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Economics branch OmGPU in Tara, e-mail:

Marketing research of shop signs on children's specialized shops in Tara town Omsk region as a special type of outdoor advertising has been carried out and the results are presented in this article. In particular shop sign’s advertising and information functions and degree of its fulfillment in the conditions of a small town are analyzed. The detailed description of the research is provided as well as its main results. Shop sign’ quality of conformance to criteria of dressing and location is determined.
Keywords: outdoor advertising, a small town, children's specialized shop, marketing observation.

1. Analytical report 1 half-year 2011 of News Outdoor Electronic resource. URL: (address date: 03.04.2013).
2. Range of goods. Properties and range indicators [An electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 25.04.2013).
3. Visual perception and memory. [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 21.04.2013).
4. Voronkova O. V., Zavrazhin K.V. R.R.'s Fat men; Marketing: the manual / under a general edition of O. V. Voronkova. – Tambov: Publishing house of Tamb. the state. teõn. un-that, 2009. – 120 pages.
5. Gîlubkîv Å.P. Marketing bases: Textbook. – M.: Finpress publishing house, 2008.
6. Civil code of the Russian Federation No. 51 - Federal Law from 21.10.94. [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 25.03.2013).
7. The act of the Russian Federation "About protection of the rights of consumers" of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 [An electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 21.04.2013).
8. Advertizing industry [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 21.04.2013).
9. Knyshova E. N. Marketing: Manual. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004.
10. Naumov V. N. Sale marketing. – ÑÏáÃÓÝÔ: 1999.
11. Features of specialized shops [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 10.05.2013).
12. Rules of creation of outdoor advertizing [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 19.04.2013).
13. Specialized children's shops [Electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 18.04.2013).
14. Chkalova O. V.  The characteristic of retail trade enterprises in Russia and abroad//Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2001. – ¹. 4. – Page 47-62.
15. Bright qualitative signs of children's shops – a way to successful business [An electronic resource]. URL: (address date: 27.04.2013).



Marketing decisions of milk-processing companies: novations, risks
Gubanov R.S., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of Department of finances and credit, Branch of a Private institution of higher education «Moscow University named by S.Y. Witte» in the city of Ryazan, e-mail:

The article discusses the topical issues of the implementation of the marketing activities of modern milk processing companies in the conditions of innovative economy in Russia. On the basis of revealed the role of Australia in the export and import of dairy products have been studied and generalized her experience in the field of innovations on the market of milk. Proposed approach to the introduction of innovative marketing solutions in the milk-processing companies with due account for risk.
Keywords: marketing, marketing decisions, company, risks, innovations, economy, milk processing company

1. VikentyevG. Marketing management model develops high-tech goods // Marketing. – 2013 ¹ 1 (Jan.- Feb.) – Ð. 63.
2. GovtvanOJStimulating economic growth and the problems of macroeconomic financial risk management // the Bulletin of the Russian humanitarian scientific Fund no. 3 (72) 2013. – 75 Ð.
3. Ilyina, I.N. Economy of municipal economy: studies. manual / I.N. Ilina - M: KNORUS, 2013.
4. Sekerin V.D. Principles of Marketing: Textbook. allowance [Text] / VD Sekerin. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.
5. Sokolova ON Innovation Management: Textbook. Manual / ON Sokolova. – 2nd ed., Rev. and rev. – M.: KNORUS, 2013.
6. Schumaev, Century Innovation development: problems and solutions // RISK III 2013 (July-September) - 90 Ð.
7. www.
8. Grundzuge der Volkswirtschaftslehre: Einfuhrung in die Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik / von Hartwig Bartling und Franz Luzius. – 13., verb. und erg. Auft. – Munchen: Vahlen, 2000.


Ñompetitive purposes and advantages, image and reputation of territories: sociological and marketing analysis
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, leading research assistant, Institute of economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, å-mail:
Vazhenin S.G., Cand.Econ.Sci., the head of the Center of competitive policy of region, Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science,

Due to the aggravation of the territorial competition need of identification of the competitive purposes and advantages of territories increases. Besides importance of definition of an optimum complex of instruments of formation of positive reputation and attractive image of territories increases. In article on the basis of the sociological and marketing analysis features and contradictions of process of formation of competitive advantages and image and reputation transformations of territories of the Russian Federation are investigated.
Keywords: territorial competition, competitive purposes of the territories, competitive advantages of territories, image of the territory, reputation of the territory

1. Vazhenin S.G. Mobility of the companies in competitive economy//EKO. 2013. ¹ 4. Page 134-138.
2. Vazhenin S.G., Sukhih V. V. Architecture of trust in economy//the Magazine of the economic theory. 2010. ¹ 3. Page 22-34.
3. Vazhenina I.S. Image and reputation of the territory as an advance basis in the competitive environment//Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2006 . ¹ 6. Page 82-98.
4. Vazhenina I.S. Image, reputation and brand of territory. – Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2013.
5. Vazhenina I.S. Conceptual bases of formation and improvement of reputation of the region//Regional economy: theory and practice. 2007 . ¹ 8. Page 91-102.
6. Vazhenina I.S. Multi-usefulness of the territory//Marketing. 2008 . ¹ 2. Page 24-34.
7. WB: Russia flew up on 20 points in Doing Business rating –
8. Global mind came for global reason -
9. Melnikov A.V. Will Russia lose the innovative potential? –
10. The weak competition interferes with economic growth –



Researching internet-activities of Magnitogorsk city on regional information market
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences,senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,
Liìà Y.À., candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,

In article is described study regional network market of information, is given feature existing at present player this market, is given feature types of information, spread through network facility. Besides, is organized competitive analysis the most largest network resource of Magnitogorsk, is revealled defect, inherent network information carrier.
Keywords: regional network facility, types of information, analysis of competitors.

1. Kamashova R, Rybakov A, Chupryakova A. Marketing research broadcast advertisement : articles All Russian sciens and practice conference / edited by Keba V.I. – Magnitogorsk: GOU VPO MGTU named Nosov G.I.
2. Kiverin V. Economy of print-media / V.I. Kiverin. – Moscow: Aspekt-press, 2002. – 288 p.
3. Krylov A. Russian marketing communication market from print-media at 2006 / A.V. Krylov, D.M. Vinokurov // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2007. – ¹ 5. – p. 18-26.
4. Limarev P. Analysis of advertisement posibilities Internet and print-media / P.V. Limarev // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2007. – ¹ 6. – p. 119-124.
5. Mokshantsev R. Psychology of advertisement / R.I. Mokshantsev. – Novosibirsk: Sibirskoe soglashenie, 2001. – 230 p.
6. Determination volume advertisement’ market / Communication agency association of Russia. market_size
7. Researching popularity of the sources to information / Pew Research Center.
8. Advertisement price by
9. Advertisement price by
10. Advertisement price by
11. Advertisement price by
12. Advertisement price by
13. Advertisement price by

Concept and significance of complex internet marketing for companies’ activities
Danchenok L.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of Management Moscow State University Economics, Statistics and Informatics ( MESI ),
Deynekin T.V., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and CommerceMoscow State University Economics, Statistics and Informatics ( MESI ),

In today's economy the Internet has become a major channel of interaction of buyers and sellers of goods and services. The most effective approach of this interaction is the integrated use of internet marketing tools. The value of the concept of integrated online marketing and we have tried to uncover in this paper.
Keywords: Internet, marketing mix, advertising

1. Internet in Russia: dynamics of penetration. Summer 2013 [electronic resource] / FOM Internet . – M., 2013. – Mode of access :
2. Internet in Russia : Status, Trends and Prospects for Development / Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications . – M., 2013. – Mode of access :
3. F. Virin Internet Marketing: The complete collection of practical tools / Fedor Virin . – M.: EKSMO, 2010 .
4. Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston. Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation and Practice. – Italy: Printed and bound by Rotolito Lombarda, 2009 .
5. Nik Tehrani. Contemporary Marketing Mix for the Digital Era.-USA: AuthorHouse. 2009 . – 27-29 c.
6. Churchill , G., T. Brown Marketing Research . 5th ed . / Per. From English. ed. GL Bagiyeva . – St. Petersburg. : Peter , 2010 .
7. Marketing notes : a practical course on Russian examples / [Danchenok L.A. Dejnekin T.V. , Zotov V.V. Kuchugin , N.L. Shmelev N.A.], ed . L.A. Danchenok . – Moscow: OOO " Market DS Corporation".
8. Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Public Relations: Theory and Practice: the textbook / A.N. Chumikov, M.P. Bocharov – 6th ed . – Moscow: Publishing House "Delo" ANH, 2010 . – 23-30 s.
9. Danchenok L.A., E.S. Denisova , Nevostruev P.Y. Innovative marketing techniques in the transformation of consumer behavior [text]/ Danchenok L.A., E.S. Denisova , Nevostruev P.Y. / / Economic Sciences . – 2008. – ¹ 46. – S. 216-218
10. Social Media Marketing . Internet marketing communications : Textbook / [Tikhomirov V.P., Tikhomirov N.V., Danchenok L.A., Nevostruev P.Y., Laskovets L.V., Mkhitaryan S.V., Netesova A.V., Evdokimchik A.I., Deynekin T.V.], ed . L.A. Danchenok . – St.Petersburg. : Peter , 2013. – 23-25 s.
11. Catalog of programs [electronic resource] / Admitad. – GmbH., 2013. – Mode of access :
12. The ROI from Marketing to Existing Online Customers / Adobe Systems Incorporated. – USA., 2012 . – Mode of access :



Students around us. The road to loyalty
Samokhina T.E., 3-year student, Literary Institute, e-mail:

The person is influenced or how producers manipulate consumers
Belyanskaya Î.Y., Freedomart branding company pr-manager, e-mail:



Each marketing tool has its particular time
Shkljar T.L., Ph.D. in Economics, General Director of ZAO «GRANP polygraph, consultant psychologist, teacher of MIRBIS, e-mail:
Akaemova A.V., The candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer of chair of marketing of the Kiev university of management and business, e-mail:
Marketing tools are very numerous and diverse. It should be noted that each tool is most effective at a particular time. This article descry best he dependence of the life cycle of good sin Economics and politics from eligible largely marketing tools with the best result can help init promotion.
Keywords: ñhannel of promotion, àdvertising, political advertising, politics, product life cycle
time of advertising influence, management promotion channel, efficiency of advertising

1. Jeriashvili N. Management. Marketing. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2009
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3. Blyde D. Marketing communications Dneropetrovsk: balans-Club, 2004
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5. Dejjan A., Troadek A. sales Promotion and advertising at the point of sale. – M: Progress, 1994.
7. Roadside L.V. Classification of advertising depending on the stage of the product life cycle
8. Germogenova L. Yu. Effective advertising in Russia. Practice and recommendations ÐóñÏàðòíåð, 1994
9. Shklyar T.L. Advertising through the prism of three Vienna schools of Marketing in Russia and abroad, 2013. ¹ 6
10. Shklyar T.L. Control channel promotion at work in B2B, based on the psychological aspect of the consumer Scholarly periodicals: problems and solutions. 2011. ¹ 6. C. 10-16.
11. A. I. Kovler Basis of political marketing. – M., 1993. – C. 73.
12. Kovler, Mrs A. I. Electoral systems: Russian and foreign experience. – M, Institute of state and law of RAS, 1995. - p.71-72.
13. Grishin N. Century Basics of conducting election campaigns. – M: «RIP - holding», 2003. – C. 13-14.
14. Morozova, E. G. the political market and Political marketing: concepts, models, technologies. – M: ROSS PENG, 1998. - P.115.
15. Political marketing and electoral technologies. – Zaporozhye: HART, 2002. – C. 112.
16. Political Encyclopedic dictionary/ Uporjadnik B. N. Gorbatenko: For ed Yu. S. Shemshuchenka, V.D.Babk³na, B. N. Gorbatenka. - 2nd ed., additional parvi ïåðåðîá. – K., Genesis, 2004 – C. 548.
17. Political marketing. Practical tips. – M: Fund Jean Jaures, 1993. – p.23-24.
18. Nedjak I.L. Political marketing. Foundations of the theory. – M: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. – 33 C.
19. Konoplin Yu. S. Lobanov CENTURIES Marketing analysis of the political market of Ukraine and formation of the image of political goods. – M., 1995. – Ñ.103.
20. Sell your voice// Ukrainska Pravda. Mode of access:
21. Davy D. Research in advertising activities. – M.: Williams, 2003



List of articles published in journal «Marketing in Russia and Abroad» in 2013

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