Contents of N5/2013

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Contents of N5/2013



Classification and characterization of factors affecting the formation of market conditions
Romanova I.M., professor of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:
Trotsenko A.N. assistant of chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, å-mail:

Different approaches to the classification of the factors influencing the formation of market conditions are systematized in the article.
Keywords: market condition, factors influencing the formation of market conditions, classification factors, analysis of the factors influencing the formation of market conditions, the formation of market condition.

1. Belyaevsky, I. K. Marketing research: a manual / I. K. Belyaevsky. - M., 2002. - 175 p.
2. Burov, A. S. International marketing: a manual / A. S. Burov. - M.: Publishing and Trading Corporation «Dashkov K °», 2004. – 284 ð.
3. Zelberg, I.S. Evaluation and prediction of the commodity situation on the example of the global aluminum market: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / I.S. Zelberg. - Irkutsk, 1996. – 204 p.
4. Kostyukhin, D. I. The conjuncture of world capitalist economy / D.I. Kostyukhin. – Ì.: international relations, 1973. – 312 p.
5. Levshin, F.M. World market: conditions, pricing and marketing. - M.: Int. relations, 1993. – 264 p.
6. Nozdryov, R.B. International marketing: a textbook / R.B. Nozdryov. - M.: Ekonomist, 2005. – 990 p.
7. Noskova, Å.V. Methodical support for of research and predict the real estate market situation: a monograph / Å.V. Noskova. – Vladivostok: Publisher PSUE, 2011. – 344 p.
8. Romanova, I.M., Trotsenko, A.N. Theoretical aspects of the concepts and indicators of market conditions / I.M. Romanova, A.N. Trotsenko // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. - ¹5. –  P.3-10.
9. Svetunkov, S.G. Methods of marketing research: a tutorial / S.G. Svetunkov. - St. Petersburg.: Publisher «DNK», 2003. – 352 p.
10. Tereshchenko, N.N. Market research on consumer goods: a regional perspective: diss. ... cand. econ. sciences: 08.00.05 / N.N. Tereshchenko. – Krasnoyarsk, 1998. – 172 p.


Managing customer retention
Golubkova E.N., professor, Department of Marketing Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, e-mail:

This  article provides a solution: a fully developed, highly practical new marketing system for measuring and managing customer value as a financial asset. The article outlines customer equity's three core strategies-customer acquisition, customer retention, and add-on selling-and the balance among them, and explain how the customer life cycle affects strategy and the marketing mix
Keywords: customer, value, asset, customer acquisition, customer retention,  customer life cycle, customer equity management,  manage customer portfolios,  database management, data analysis, value management..

1. Robert C. Blattberg, Gary Getz, Jacquelyn S. Thomas. Customer equity. – Harvard Business Press, 2001.
3. (customer_value)
5. (customer_value)&oldid=562179385


Is store personality perception different in different cultures? Comparison of Russian, American and Chinese store personality traits
Rakova O.V., Master of Humanities (Advertisement and Promotion) Associate Researcher, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:
Baek Jee Hee, Ph.D, Technological Advisor/Professor of Hongik University Depute Manager, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:
Kim Eun Jeong, Master of Arts (Advertisement Design), Senior Researcher, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:
Park Jea Yong, Master of Humanities (Journalism & Mass Communication), Senior Researcher, DAEHAN A&C, R&D Center, e-mail:

To win in an increasingly competitive market many marketing managers struggle to understand consumer's store selection process. While the past marketers use store attribute such as a price, service, store size, the present marketers started to use store personality which is a symbolic and emotional mean of differentiation. But despite the fact that research about store in marketing is gradually increasing, only few studies about store personality have been conducted. This research, firstly, develops a theoretical framework of the store personality. Secondly, it suggests that the symbolic meaning of commercial store (store personality) can represent the values and beliefs of a culture, investigates the important differences of the store personality traits across three cultures (Russia, USA and China).
Keywords: Traditional Retail, Store Personality, Cross-cultural Differences, International Marketing, International Branding

1. Domin V.N. (2007). National Characteristics of the Brand, Brand-Management, 6(37), 370-379.
2. Ulanovsky A.M. (2009). Qualitative Researches: Approaches, Strategies, Methods, Journal of Psychology, 30(2), 18-28.
3. Shmelev A.G. (2002). Psychodiagnostics of Personality Traits, SP.:Rech', 480.
4. Aaker Jenefer L. (1997). Dimensions of Brand Personality // Journal of Marketing Research, ñ. 34. Pp. 347–356.
5. Aaker Jenefer L., Veronica Benet Martinez and Jordi Garolera (2001). Consumption symbols as carries of culture: a study of Japanese and Spanish brand personality construct //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81 (3). Pp. 492–508.
6. Hofstede G. (2010). Culture and Organizations: Software of the mind, McGraw Hill, 561.
7. Magne Supphellen, Kjell Gronhaug (2003). Building foreign brand personalities in Russia: the moderating effect of consumer ethnocentrism // International Journal of Advertising, 22. Pp. 203–226.
8. Marcus, B.H. (1972). Image variation and the multiunit retail establishment //Journal of Retailing, 48. Pp. 29–43.
9. Martineau P. (1958). The personality of the retail store // Harvard Business Review, 36. Pp. 47–55.
10. Mazursky D. and J. Jacoby (1986). Linking brand and retailer images: do potential risk out-weight and potential benefits? // Journal of Retailing, 60 (Summer). Pp. 105–122.
11. Staplehurst G., Charoenwongse S. (2012). Why brand personality matters: Aligning your brand to cultural drivers of success // Milward Brown: Point of View.
12. Shu-Chuan Chu & Yongjun Sung (2011). Brand Personality Dimensions in China // Journal of Marketing Communications, 17 (3). Pp. 163–181.
12. Shu-Chuan Chu & Yongjun Sung (2011). Brand Personality Dimensions in China, Journal of Marketing Communications, 17(3), 163-181
13. Advanced Branding.  Tamberg&Badin [Internet Source]. –
14. Business. What is personality, Interview with Elena Butivshenko[Internet Source]. –
15. Navigator [Internet Source]. –
16. [Internet Source]. –


Goodwill as a factor in increasing the logistics system efficiency of industrialenterprise
Pleshchenko V.I, Ph.D. in Economics, FSUE «Goznak», Head of department, e-mail:

In modern conditions the role of reputation in building financial and economic indicators of the company, bringing its market sustainability and efficiency of logistics system of the enterprise is enhanced. The article analyses the difficulties associated with determining the true contribution of this factor in the result of the company, and based on the ambiguity of the existing methods of valuation of business reputation (goodwill). Also indicates that, over time, growth of economic benefit from the reputation of the steadily decreasing, despite the sustained growth of the company's corporate image.
Keywords: trade logistics, trade and purchase activities, logistics, production, business reputation, performance, assessment of goodwill.

1. Bowersox Donald G., Closs David G. Supply Chain Logistics Management. 2nd publ. M.: JSC Olimp-Business , 2008
2. Petrakov N.Ya. Russian roulette: economic experiment at 150 million lives. / Edition.: D.S. Lvov (chairman.) and others. – Ì.: JSC “Publishing House Economics”, 1998.
3. Dolgin A.B. How to become agreement-suitable or a practical guide to collective action. – M.: OGI, 2013. 4. Golubkov E.P. Theory and methodology of marketing: present and future. – M.: Delo i Servis, 2008.

Advertising through the prism of three Vienna schools
Shklyar T.L.,General Director of ZAO «GRANP polygraph, consultant psychologist, teacher of MIRBIS, e-mail:

Everything is moving forward, nothing stands still. The author of this article offers a new look at the ads through the prism of three Vienna schools of psychoanalysis. Here are frequently used motifs, as well as completely new. Be a step ahead and use new tools when creating advertising.
Keywords: Advertising, psychology of advertising, consumer motivation, tool of advertising, consumer behaviour

1. Adler A. The Practice and theory of individual psychology. From the Academic project, 2011
2. Pesotsky E. Advertising and consumer psychology Rostov-on-don «Phoenix» 2004
3. Frankl V. The Doctor and the soul. From: Juventa, 1997
4. Freud Z. Introduction in psychoanalysis. The lecture . From: IG Lenizdat, 2012
5. Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. From: ABC, 2012

 The contradictions of the discount coupons market in the Internet
Mushketova N.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Chair «Marketing and Advertising» Volgograd State University, e-mail:
Kamneva E.O., master's degree in "Management" - "Marketing" Volgograd State University, e-mail:

The article discusses the problems and contradictions of promoting products and services on the Internet using the coupon, also describes the terms of interaction between the participants of the coupon market and examines the effectiveness of such participation for each side.
Keywords: Internet promotion, collective buying website, discount coupons, online interaction, the effectiveness of the deal parties.

1. Bocharsky K. The law of Groupon // Secret of the company. 2011. ¹1-2 (305-306).
2. Weissman E.D. Maps positioning strategy of the company // Marketing. 2010. ¹ 1. P. 51-57.
3. Vasilyev G.A., Polyakov V.A. Management concept in advertising activities // Marketing. 2005. ¹ 5. P. 62-69.
4. Golik V.S., Golik S.I. The use of Internet technology in international marketing // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2011. ¹3. P. 113-116.
5. Mushketova N.S., Ostaali I.V. Methodology expert evaluation of positioning their brand // Bulletin of the Eurasian Academy of Administrative Sciences. 2012. ¹3. P. 40-46.

The role of the exhibition in the promotion of company
Belyakova N.A., assistant Director of the Center for Business Development consultation "Cause", e-mail:
Galiguzova E.V., managing partner of the Center of consultation Business Development "Cause", e-mail:

Exhibition activity is currently one of the factors promoting the company in the market and an important area of international cooperation. With its multi-function value, it allows for a communicative, tsenoobrazovatelnuyu, marketing and trade policy of the enterprise. Therefore, the competent organization of exhibition activity and teamwork of the stand staff should not only be a powerful means of image formation, the delivery of products / services, but also to attract and hold the attention of potential customers.
Keywords: b2b-market services, promotional tool, exposure, communication, competence, training, marketing action

1. Akulich I.L. Fairs and exhibitions as a marketing tool [electronic resource] URL:
2. Exhibitions: Problems, Prospects and recommendations [electronic resource] URL:
3. Sereda O.V. The role of exhibition services in a time of globalization and innovation development of the world economy [electronic resource] URL:


Actualization of cargo operators benchmarking on the market of railway transportation in Russia
Bondarenko V.A., doctor of Economics, associate Professor of marketing and advertising department in Rostov state economic University, e-mail:
Guzenko N.V., candidate of economic Sciences, inspector of the Department of graduate and doctoral studiesin Rostov state economic University, e-mail:

The authors in the article actualize the necessity of benchmarking tools use in Russian rail freight traffic operators’ activity in comparison with the European market leaders. This measure comes necessary because of Russia's entry into the WTO and, as consequence, growth of competition in this sphere. The improvement of customer focus in transportation of cargoes increases marketing tools use in rail companies business.
Keywords: benchmarking, cargo transportation, ranking, operator, customer focus

1. Prosvirkin N. Y. Useofelementsofoutsourcingininstitutional  and economicsystems «producer - consumer» [Text] / N. YuProsvirkin // VestnikOfSamaraStateUniversity. - 2007. - ¹ 3 (53). - P. 150-154.
2. Gorbunov A. Luck at our expense [Electronic resource] / A. Gorbunov // Expert. - 2012. - ¹ 18 (801). - Access mode:
3. KhusainovF.I. Russia's accessiontothe WTO andrailwaytransport) [Text] / F.I. Khusainov // Bulletinoftransportinformation. 2012. ¹9(207).
4. Sokolova E.B. Benchmarkingininfrastructureindustries: ananalysisofthemethodologyandpractice (ontheexampleofelectricpowerindustry) [Text] / E.B. Sokolova: scientificreport. ¹1. 2007. SPb.: Instituteofmanagement, SPBSU, 2007. 30 C. P.7.


The competitiveness of the region
Dubova Y.I., Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department ÌÝèÝÒ VSTU,e-mail:

The image of the area helps in attracting investment and residents. The formation of the brand allows us to define the niche of the region and effectively develop in the chosen direction, promoting its own peculiarities.
Keywords: image, region, area, marketing, brand.

1. Ìóðàõòàíîâà N.M, Eremin, E.I. Marketing: a Textbook. - M: the Academy, 2008. - C. 107.
2. Marketing the city in a global space of flow // Journal «CITY». - 2009. - ¹3.
3. Pankruhin A.P. Marketing: a Textbook. - M: omega-L, 2009. - C. 598.
4. YasinÅ.Ã. Modernization of the Russian economy: that the agenda. 2-nd international scientific conference “Modernization of the Russian economy. Moscow, 3-5 April 2001 M: su-HSE, 2001.
5. Mamedov, A. M. Investment attractiveness of Russian enterprises in the context of WTO accession / A. M. Mamedova, Å.Ã. Popkov // Youth and economy: new views and decisions : ìåæâóç. collected scientific articles. Trudy inst. the results of XIII vseros. nauch.-practical. proc. young scientists : in the framework of the 50th annual. nauch.-practical. proc. Volgograd state University, Volgograd, 7-8 February. 2013 / Volgograd state University, Dept. ÌÝèÝÒ [and others]. - Volgograd, 2013. - C. 11-13.
6. Morris R. Marketing: situation and examples/ Per. from English. - M: Banks and exchanges, 1994.-207 C.
7. «Brands and branding.-[ electronic resource] URL: (date of access: 22.08.2013).


Influence of national culture on services qualities of Russian airlines
Rudnev E.A., CandidateofSciencespedagagicheskih, associate Professor, Institute of Continuing Education, Government budget educational institution of higher education in Moscow«Moscow city pedagogical university», e-mail:

Organizational and national culture. Influence of culture on human behavior in organizations. Working with passenger - analysis of the pilots and flight attendants behavior on foreign and Russian airlines.  Recommendations to improving the quality of service and the efficiency of Russian airlines on the aircraft board.
Keywords: organizational culture, national culture, cultural synergy, airlines, national brand, consumers requirements.

1. Ààkår D. How to beat the competition. Create a strong brand. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2012.
2. Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal Reframing organizations. Artistry, Choice and Leadership. - Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2005.
3. Kokinz G. Performance Management: How to bridge the gap between the declared strategy and real processes. – Ì. : Alpina Biznes Buks, 2007.
4. RobinsS. Bases of organizational behaviour. – 8-å edition. –Ì. : Publishing house "Williams», 2006.
5. ShaneE. Organizatsionnaja culture and leadership. – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2002.
6. Ariely D. The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home. HarperCollins Publishing, New York, 2010. – 319 p.
7. Maylor H., Blackmon K. Researching Business and Management. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005. – 466 p.
8. Moran R.T.T., Haris P.P.R., Moran S. Managing Cultural Differences. Taylor&Francis, 2007. – Bisiness&Economics. – 708 p.
9. Ariely D., Gneezy U., Loewenstein G., Mazar N. Large Stakes and Big Mistakes. Review of Economic Studies. (2009) 76, Pp. 451–469.

 The essence and specific features, principles, functions, goals and tasks of hotel
services marketing
Baumgarten L.V., candidate of technical Sciences, senior scientific worker., associate  Prof. of the chair. Tourism and international business hotel DARKNESS;
In the article analyzed in detail issues concerning the peculiarities and specifics of marketing of hotel services, including the General features of these services in relation to the goods or products; a variety of consumer services to their preferences; the orientation of activity of the majority of the hotels on the client, and not on income; the specifics of services in relation to other services; specific features of the hotel product, as well as the hotel industry. Defines the functions, goals, tasks marketing of hotel services.
Keywords: marketing; hotel; the service; product; specificity; principles; functions; objectives; objectives.

1.AblyazovaS.A. Marketing in a paradigm of management of the enterprises of a hotel complex//Economy of Crimea. – 2010. – ¹ 3 (32).
2. Al-Rob AaliviS.KararDevelopment of the international hotel networks//Magazine of international law and the international relations. – 2012. – ¹ 2.
3. Baumgarten L.V. Quality management in tourism: the textbook for stud. universities. – Ì. : Publishing centre «Academy», 2010.
4. Golubkov Å.Ð. Marketing as a concept of market management / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2000. – ¹ 2.
5. Dzhandzhugazova E.A. Marketing in the Hospitality Industry: studies. Allowance for stud. universities. - Moscow: Publishing Center "The Academy"2003.
6. Durovich A.P. Marketing in tourism: studies. allowance. – Minsk, 2010.
7. DurovichA.P. Marketing Hotels and Restaurants. – Ì. : Novoe znanie, 2005.
8. European Hotel Marketing. – Ì. : Finance and statistics, 2004.
9.KabushkinN.I.Bondarenko G.A. Management of hotels and restaurants : Studies. person. – Minsk: Novoe znanie, 2000.
10. Katkalo V. S, Mukba V. N. The international hotel networks: specificity of the organisation and typology of strategy of development  // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University «General and strategic management». – Ser. 8. - Issue. 4 (¹ 32). – St. Petersburg, 2004.
11. F. Kotler, Bowen, J., and J. Meykenz Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism: a textbook for high schools. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012.
12. Marketing. The purpose, problems, principles and marketing functions. – access regime:
13. Mironova N.V.Marketing of various types of services  // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2003. – ¹ 4.
14. Modern lines in marketing development in tourism. – access regime:
15. Sorokina A.V.organisation of service in hotels and tourist complexes : Textbook. allowance. – Ì. : Alfa-M, INFRA-M, 2012.
16. Tuvatova V. E. Increase of efficiency of marketing activity in hotel business // Marketing in Russia and abroad. – 2008. – ¹ 1
17. Shermakova V. N. The international hotel networks: laws of occurrence of the network form of the organisation and base business models // Vestnik St. Petersburg State University. - Ser. 8. - Issue. 3 - St. Petersburg, 2007.
18. Jankevich V. S, Bezrukov N.L.Marketing in the hotel industry and tourism: the Russian and international experience / under the editorship of V.S.Jankevicha. – Ì. : Finance and statistics, 2002.
19. Bitner M., Zeithaml V. Services marketing. – Massachusetts, 1996.
20. Gronroos C. Service management and marketing. – West Sussex, 2000.


Can marketing and research become better by design?
Nigel Hollis, The main global analyst Millward Brown

Over the last decade, the importance of design has grown beyond the traditional concept of making an artifact look good to take a more central role in business, academia, and government. At its best, design encompasses form and function, utility and aesthetic appeal.
Keywords:  marketing, marketing research, design, utility, consumer, human needs.

1. [Electronic resource]. URL: OfView/Can_Marketing_and_Research_Become
2. [Electronic resource]. URL: _Better_by_Design/Page1.aspx

 Why is it always volume before price?
Rachel Leaver, Ãëàâà îòäåëà ìàðêåòèíãîâûõ èññëåäîâàíèé, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèÿ, Millward Brown
Josh Samuel, Äèðåêòîð ïî ðàçâèòèþ Brand Equity â Åâðîïå, Millward Brown

Considers pricing decisions based  not only on the short-term return. Even when price is considered as a key feed into long-term brand equity, the focus is usually on the impact this future equity will have on volume demand. A whole understanding of the most suitable pricing strategy for a brand can only come with an understanding of the brand’s dual roles: generating volume and supporting a price premium.
Keywords: demand, strategy, volume, price, premium brand, value brand, short-term results, long-term brand investment, brand power.

1. [Electronic resource]. URL:
2. Gordon Pincott. Brand Equity: What’s Price Got to Do with it? [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL:

 Cross-category trends

Researches of  Millward Brown Optimor  consider ten main factors influencing on growth  of brands value.
Keywords: brand, value, customer, technology, brand implications, location, media, reputation, growing markets

1. BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2012. Millward Brown Optimor [Electronic resource]. URL:
2. [Electronic resource]. URL:


Case study: story of the online store success
Kozintsev I.A., assistant on digital media of the company WDSSPR (Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing), e-mail:

This case study highlights the role of corporate culture in a customer-oriented company. On the example of online store Zappos, which originally specialized in selling only shoes, but as the time passed the corporate culture of the company somehow became a benchmark and a role model for online businesses. The case   also describes the organization of Zappos’s a call center - the main instrument of online sales and one of the key image-maker of the company engaged in online trading.
Keywords: ñorporate culture, success story, marketing, marketing tools, online -commerce, call-centers, human resources.

1. Sew Toni. Delivering happiness. - Ì: Publishing house  «Ìànn, Ivanov and Fårbår», 2013.


SPN Ogilvy tops the National communication consultancies rating
Boglaeva Å.V., Business Intelligence Manager, SPN Ogilvy, e-mail:

The habit slows the development of high-quality retail
Shanina Å., communications agency Reputacia, e-mail:

Situation on the shopping centers market
Belkevich L.Y., INFOLine Analytical Agency PR Director, e-mail:

Russian brands improve in quality
Source: research BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2012. Millward Brown Optimor


Books on the marketing, let out in the first half of the year 2013
Limarev P.V., candidate of the economic sciences,senior lecturer in economics and marketing, GOU VPO Magnitogorsk State Technical University. GI Nosov,

 Bases of modern international marketing
Sadchenko K.V.

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