Contents of N2/2013

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Contents of N2/2013


Marketing theory and methodology

Modern approaches to understanding of market condition
Moissyeenko I.V., assistant of the chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail: gold4232
Noskova E.V., Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of the chair of marketing, commerce and logistics Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:

The main approaches to concept definition «an economic conditions» are studied, types of an economic conditions are considered, the modern concept of market situation is investigated, types of market situation depending on a supply and demand ratio are allocated.
Keywords: economic conditions, types of an economic conditions, situation of the commodity markets, types of a market situation.

1.Crisis management / еdited by I.K.Larionov. – M: Dashkov and Co, 2005.
2.The analysis of the economy: the country, the market, the firm / еdited by V.E. Rybalkina -  Moscow: International Relations, 2006.
3.Barodka T. L., Belyatsky N. P. Monitoring of commodity markets // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2003. - № 5.
4.Burov A. S. Conditions of the world commodity markets: the manual – M: Examination, 2005.
5.BetbezJ.-P. Economic conditions - M. RAMAKS, 1996.
6.Vorobiev E. M.  Economic theory / E. M.  Vorobiev, A. A. Gritsenko, M.N. Kim, A. N. Voronova. - Kharkov: Press-Fortune, 1997.
7.Voronov A. N. Macroeconomic analysis of the situation of the consumer market in Russia: current status and forecast // Marketing in Russia and abroad. -1999. - № 2
8.Grachev Y. N. Foreign Trade. The organization and equipment of foreign trade – M.: School of Business, "Intel-Synthesis", 2000.
9.Zhigun L. A. Сonditions and competition in the Far East in the 90s. - Vladivostok: Izd FESUE, 1999.
10.Zavgorodnyaya A. V., Yampolskaya D. A. Marketing planning. - St. Peter, 2002.
11.Kameneva N. G., Polyakov V. A. Marketing research - M.: The College textbook, 2008.
12.КеворковV.V., Кеворков D. V. Workshop on marketing - M.: KNORUS, 2008.
13.KondratievN. D. The problems of economic dynamics. - M: Economics, 1989.
14.Kotler Principles of Marketing, 4th European edition / KotlerF. [and others]. - Moscow: PC "P. H. Williams", 2009.
15.Lamben Zh.-Zh. The management focused on market. / Zh.-Zh. Lamben, R. Chumpitas, I. Shuling. – SPb.: Piter, 2008.
16.Landrevi Zh. Merkator. The theory and practice of marketing / Z.Landrevi, Z.Levi, D. Lyndon – M: MCFR, 2006.
17.Lebedeva O. A., Lygina N. I. Market researches of the market – M: INFRA-M, 2005.
18.Levshin F.M. World market: market conditions, the prices, marketing – M: International relations, 1993.
19.McConnell C. R., Brue S. L. Economics: principles, problems and policies. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2003.
20.Marketing: a textbook / еdited by A. N. Romanov. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITY, 1995.
21.Matantsev A.N. The art of conquering the market. N. Matantsev - M.: Ekonomist, 2006.
22.International economic relations / еdited by E. F. Zhukov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 1999.
23.Moissyeenko I. V., Noskova E. V. Formation of the concept of «economic situation»// Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2012. - №5.
24.Nozdryovа R. B. International мarketing. - Moscow: The еconomist, 2005.
25.Piskoppel F.G. The foundations of studying of the market conditions of a capitalist economy – M: International relations, 1960.
26.Polyakov V.V. Methodological features short, average and long-term forecasting of the world commodity markets//External economic bulletin. - 2001. - No. 9.
27.Rayzberg B.A. The modern economic dictionary / B.A.Rayzberg, L.Sh.Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtsev – M: INFRA-M, 2008.
28.SvetunkovS.G.Methods of marketing research [Еlectronic resource] - Mode of access: study/marketing/files/8.pdf
29.Statistics of a commodity market and services / еdited by I.K.Belyaevsky. – M: Finance and statistics, 1995.
30.The prices and pricing / еdited by V.E.Yesipov. – SPb.: Piter, 2000.
31.The economic theory / еdited by V.I. Vidyapin, A.I. Dobrynin, G.P. Zhuravleva, etc. - M: Infra. - M, 2003.


SWOT-analysis: existing techniques and approaches for their improvements (The termination. The beginning in № 1 for 2013.)
lubkоv Е.P.,HE Doctor of Economics., Honored Worker of Science, Professor, Academy of National Economyand Public Serviceat the RF President, e-mail:

Critical considers methodical approaches to implementing SWOT-analysis. Analyzing different levels of its realization. Technique of   SWOT-analysis is proposed developing existing approaches. The technique is based on more elaborated SWOT-factors and strategies estimations.
Keywords: SWOT-analysis, environment,  microenvironment, strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, strategy, situational analysis,  situational plan.

1. Gvozdenko A.N . The use of multivariate techniques SWOT-analysis to develop strategic directions for the enterprises / / Marketing and market research. - 2006. - № 4.
2. Golubkov E.P. Marketing Basics: A tutorial. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Finpress, 2008.
3GolubkovE.P. Technology decision-making. - M.: Business and Services, 2005.
4. Goldstein G. JA. Strategic management: studies. The grant. - Taganrog: Publishing house TRTU, 2003.
5. Efremov V. S. Classical models of the strategic analysis and planning: model GE/McKensey//Management in Russia and abroad. - 1997. - № 2.
6. Popov S.A. Strategic management. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 1999.
7. Craig Fleischer, Babette Bensoussan. Strategic and competitive analysis. Methods and tools for competitive analysis in the business. - M.: - BINOM, 2005.
8. SWOT Analysis for Management Consulting by Albert S. Humphrey // SRI Alumni Association Newsletter. December. 2005


Marketing business mobility rating
Popkova E.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor of "International Economics and Economic Theory", Volgograd State Technical University; e-mail:
Khokhlova S.V., Fourth-year student, the specialty "Global Economy", Volgograd State Technical University; e-mail:

The article presents the main aspects of the author's marketing business mobility rating. Methodical provision of rating, based on the works of Russian and foreign economists, includes the computation of indicators, consisting of six groups: website, search engine marketing, social media, advertising, e-mail marketing and blog.
Keywords: marketing mobility, rating, Internet, website, marketing

1.Citation index of websites [electronic resource] / / Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Access mode:Индекс_цитирования_веб-сайтов (dare of reference: 31.10.2012).
2.Internet marketing [electronic resource] / / Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Access mode:Интернет-маркетинг (dare of reference: 31.10.2012).
3.Page views. Visit. Visitors. Google Analytics. [Electronic resource] // Site design, internet marketing ideas, analytics. Access mode: ((dare of reference: 31.10.2012).
4.What is viral marketing (guerilla marketing)? [Electronic resource] // Access mode: (dare of reference: 31.10.2012).
5. 6 components of a successful marketing strategy [Electronic resource]: Access mode: of reference: 31.10.2012).
6. 8 Components of an Internet Marketing Strategy [Electronic resource]: Access mode: (dare of reference: 31.10.2012).
7. Alexa: the web information company [Electronic resource]: Access mode: of reference: 31.10.2012).
8. Define Online Marketing [Electronic resource]: Access mode: http://reference. (dare of reference: 25.10.2012).
9. Internet marketing 101 [Electronic resource]: Access mode: http://homebusiness. (dare of reference: 25.10.2012).
10. Learn internet marketing [Electronic resource]: Access mode: (dare of reference: 25.10.2012).


Analysis of e-commerce seasonality
Shitova J.J., doctor of economic sciences, candidate of social sciences, professor, International University of Nature Society and Man "Dubna";
Strokina O.F., student, International University of Nature Society and Man "Dubna",

In the conditions of development of modern economy special value gets that e-commerce is the promising market. It is necessary to consider internal and external factors, that influence the development of this area, for success. In this paper, we raise the issue of the some approaches to the analysis of e-commerce. The correlation between the basic indexes of a condition number of the Internet users, who make purchases on the Internet and the period of time is researched. The mechanisms of development are obtained too.
Keywords: analysis, e-commerce, correlation, regression, extrapolation, seasonal fluctuations, trends, simulation, forecast.
1.Dubrova TA, Arkhipova M. Statistical methods for forecasting the economy. A training center. - M.:. EAOI Center, 2008. - 136 p.
2.Internet in the world, and Russia. Results of e-commerce in Russia in 2011– URL: of visit: 10.2012).
3.Database the Fund "Public opinion". (Internet audience is growing faster than expected - 15.06.2011 – URL: (date of visit: 10.2012).
4.Visiting Project Products (Data for Internet audience of projects provided by TNS Russia, the project Web Index) – URL: (date of visit: 02.2013).
5.Visiting Service Market (traffic data supplied by companies TNS Russia, conducting regular measurements of the Internet audience in the project Web Index. URL:  (date of visit: 02.2013).
6.Russian Public Opinion Research Center. Press release № 1870: "What not to buy online?" – URL: / (date of visit:  10.2012).


Marketing research

The quantitative analysis of marketing process information maintenance in IT companies
Strezh V.M., master of economic sciences, teacher of chair of management of UO "BGUIR", marketing expert of JSC Generation_P Consulting, e-mail: V.Strezh
Parhimenko V.A, Candidate of the economic sciences, Assistant professor, head of the department of economy of UO "BSUIR", e-mail:

Results of the sample observation of Belarusian IT companies are being described. The aim of the research has been to make a quantitative portrait of marketing information process in such companies. In particular external and internal sources, input and output information, methods of processing and analysis, presentation format and receivers and users of marketing information are being analyzed.
Key words: marketing, IT companies, marketing information system

1.Facts and numbers // High Tech Park. Mode of access:
2.Parkhimenko V.A. Marketing information system // Finance. Accounting. Audit. – 2006. – №2. – P. 30-32.
3.Parkhimenko V.A. What a marketing manager wants to know? Significance of information needs in marketing // Marketing: ideas and tools – 2007. – №2. – P. 46-50.
4.Parkhimenko V.A., Strezh V.M., Bondarenko M.N. Marketing of IT: specifics and tools // Marketing in Russia and abroad – 2012. – №5. – P. 72-85.


Marketing communications

Marketing aspects of forming the client’s base of the inner-port forwarding company
Botnaryuk M.V., Docent, Candidate of economic science, department of “Economy and management” Admiral Ushakov state maritime university, e-mail: mia–

Branch and marketing peculiarities of forming the client’s base of forwarding company  are considered in the article. The principals of communication processes organization between seller and buyer, that will stipulate the  results of seller’s activity raising, are offered. Author’s treatment of value of the cooperation is offered.
Keywords: inner-port forwarding, business partnerships, relationships marketing, value of the cooperation

1.Ivanova M.B. Methodical basis of estimation of company’s competitiveness level: [monograph] /M.B. Ivanova.– Novorossiysk: Admiral Ushakov maritime state academy, 2008.–96 p.
2.Kusch S.P. Marketing relationship on the industrial markets: monograph.– С. – Peter. State university, management department, SPb.: S. – Peterb. Satae  university, 2006 . – 272 с.


Branding is the essence developing over time
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Pro-rector, е-mail:
Krasnoslobodstev A.A., Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Staff Management and Marketing Department of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin,
Director of the Research Centre on the problems of  industrial brand management, promotion and management  of brand capital at the goods markets,

The article examines the approaches, defining the concepts of branding. Existing cultures of branding are analyzed, brand levels are specified, and laws of successful branding are described.
Keywords: brand, branding, concept, culture, approach, motive, consumer’s behavior, purchase, consumer, value.

1.Iain E. The Essential Brand Book. – M.: «Business Lit», 2008. – 324 p.
2.Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Individual and Personality Implication of Psychic Processes in «the Scenario» of Forming a Brand Image with a Consumer // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – № 1. – PP. 35-40.
3.Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A. Emotional Forces of Motivation in Choosing Brand in the Light of Consumer’s Behavior // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – №1 (90). – PP. 13-28..
4.Temporal P. Advanced Brand Management: (translated from English) /Edited by S.G. Bozhuk. – Spb.: «Neva», 2003. – 320 p.
5.Trout J. Big Brands Big Trouble. – SPB.: Piter, 2002. – 240p.
6. Anholt S. Brands and Branding. – New York : Economist Books, 2004. – 231 р.
7. D’Alessandro D. Brand Warfare: 10 Rules for Building the Killer Brand. – New York: McGpaw-Hill, 2001. – 218 p.


Wrongfully accused… The feeling of guilt and advertising
Shkljar T.L., The general director of Joint-Stock Company «GRANP a polygraph», the psychologist-adviser, teacher MIRBIS, e-mail:

Investigating behaviour of consumers and various models of decision-making, the Author has come to conclusion, that creation of an internal impulse or motivation on the further purchase, is possible at the expense of strong emotions, including feeling of fault. In given article it is considered, how using various aspects of feeling of fault, to create the advertising motivating consumers on the further actions.

Keywords:advertising, feeling, guilt, motivation, marketing, communication

1. Mey R.Ekzistentsialnaja psychology / the lane M.Zanadvorova and J.Ovchinnikovoj. - М: April the Press and the EKSMO-PRESS, 2001.
2. The constitution of the Russian Federation. - М: Publishing house «Ajris-press», 2010.
3. Feldshtejn G. S. The intention nature. - М, 1985.
4. Hollis D.Dushevnye whirlpools. Returning by a life after heavy shocks / V.Mershavki's lane, 1996. - М: the Kogito-centre, 2008.
5. Jung K.G.archetype and a symbol: article Psychology and religion: lane A.M.Rutkevicha. - joint venture "Iwo-SID" Publishing house "Renaissance", 1991
6. Berg B. The crisis of the working mother. Summit U.S., 1986.


Commercial exploitation of celebrities or celebrity marketing
Pashutin S.B., Dr.Sci.Biol., e-mail:

Consider influence of celebrities on promotion of prestige products. It was pointed out that famous persons influence very much on demand of such products in the frames of celebrity marketing.
Keywords: celebrities, celebrity marketing, reference group, luxury goods, advertising, brand, customer.



Advertising image and style: reality and abstraction
Benija M. I., The business trainer, coach, AMT-CONSULTING of groups,

The article considers the specifics of human exposure created by advertising images. Examines the reality and abstract images, methods of fixing them in the human psyche. Consider the concept, specific features and peculiarities of the style, as one of the levers of creating an image. The article shows the helplessness of the man before the onslaught of advertising information, styles and images, created artificially by the media.
Keywords: advertising, image, anthropological values, communication, information, abstraction, reality, initrd.

1.Bern E. Games people play: the Psychology of human relationships; the People that play the game: the Psychology of human destiny. - M.: Fair-PRESS, 2000.
2.Baudrillard, Jean. Transparency of evil. M.: Dobrosvet, 2006.
3.Gritsenko In. P. Semiotic reality, semiotic machines and semiosphere. Krasnodar: KGUKY, 2000.
4.Gurevich P. With. Philosophical anthropology. M.: NOTA BENE, 2008.
5.Gurevich, P.S. The psychology of advertising.- Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2009.
6.Davis D.D.. Research in the advertising activity. Theory and practice. M., Vilnius, 2003.
7.Zenkov S.N. Jean Baudrillard: time симулякров//Baudrillard, Jean. Symbolic exchange and death. M.: Dobrosvet, 2006, p. 7-8.
8.Krasko T.I. The psychology of advertising. Харько.: Studtsentr, 2002.
9.Krylova E. In. Imagination as a psychological phenomenon // Psychology and psychotechnics, 2008, № 1, with. 63-68.
10.Alexander Lowen. The betrayal of the body. Ekaterinburg: Business book, 1999.
11.Samokhvalova In. And. Creativity. M: Urait, 2007.
12.Ychenova V.V., Old N.V. The history of advertising, or Metamorphosis of the advertising image: a Textbook for Institutes of higher education. M.: UNITY-DANA, 1999.


Marketing for non-productive sphere

Working out the recommendations for ecological and social marketing development on the example of Penza region
Malyshev A.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing and economic theory, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Zubrilina E.A., student, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction,

The article is devoted to the future development of the ecological and social marketing in the Penza region as a means of ecologization of consciousness of the population. It is the study of the attitude of the Penza region to environmental problems in the region, as well as their readiness to promote the improvement of the environmental situation. In accordance with the results of the carried out research it is proposed programme for the development of the eco-social marketing in the region, which includes a number of activities, encompassing all the factors affecting the ecological culture of the population and ecological situation in the Penza region.
Keywords: ecological marketing, ecological action, ecological production, social marketing

1.Galechyan N. Ecomarketing: what's the benefit of environmentally safe image of the company.//Corporate imagology–.2008. –№ 2.
2.Girusov E.V. Ecology and Economics of nature management/Moscow.- «Unity».– 2006.
3.Danilin I. Ecology and economy // Bulletin of the branch of Russian state social University, the city of Krasnoyarsk. – 27.11.07 ; [Electronic resource]. - URL:
4.Kohanova L.A. Environmental journalism, PR and advertising : textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Ed. by. YA.N.. Zasurskiy. – M. : UNITY, 2007.
5.Smirnova E.V. Ecological marketing. The abstract of lectures/– М., 2011.

Strategy for manage consumers recommendations in the touristic services market
Alikina E.V., National Research University Higher School of Economics – Perm, Lecturer of General Management Department,

The paper describes the essence of the strategy based on the recommendations of clients, concretes steps and measures to be taken by the company to achieve their goals and effectively implement the functions of marketing, aimed at strengthening consumer recommendations. The strategy was developed on the base of a study of consumer referrals in the tourism market, conducted in 2012 in the city of Perm.
Keywords: customer recommendations, referral behavior marketing, company strategy, tourism market.

1. Day G. Attitude Change, Media, and Word of Mouth // Journal of Advertising Research. 11 (6), 1971,
2. Piskorski М. Connect: Why Social Platforms Work and How to Leverage Them for Success. Princeton University Press, 2012.
3. Reichheld F. The One Number You Need to Grow // Harvard Business Review. 81 (12), 2003, 46–54.
4. Grachev O. A "Lawyer" marketing//Advertising. The theory and practice. - 2009. - № 2. - PP. 122-128.
5. Trust level to advertising and other kinds of distribution of the information on the goods//company Nielsen Site [the Electronic resource]. URL:



Business – company model based оn consumer value
Neretina E.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor of «Mordovian State University
n.a. N.P. Ogarev», Saransk, e-mail:

Summary: In the conditions of dynamic change of a competitive landscape in the market the success of any business depends first of all on ability to interact with consumers, quicker and more effectively to solve their problems in comparison with competitors. Within the business model presented in article the contents, components of consumer value, its types, types of consumption and models of consumer maintaining adequate to them are opened. Article is of interest to the organizations forming customer-oriented model of management.
Keywords: business model, company, consumer value, structural components, classification of consumer values, examples of consumer behavior, modern consumer, marketing 3:0.

1. Ilyin V.I. Behavior of consumers. – SPb: St. Petersburg, 2000.-233 pages.
2. Kazantsev A.K., Kiselyov V.N., Rubvalter D.A., Rudensky O.B. NBIC- technology: Innovative civilization of the XXI century. – M: INFRA-M, 2012. -384 pages.
3. Kotler F. Marketing 3:0: from products to consumers and further – to human soul. -   M.: Eksmo, 2011.- 240 pages.
4. WWW.cecsi ru/coach/cu/tures tao succes.html.
5. Sheth J.Why We buy What We buy.: A Theory of Consumption Values/ J.Sheth, B.I.Newman, B.L.Gross//journal of Business Research, - Vol, 22.-1991.


Forming a competitive position of special products (premium cars-class) in Russia
Tappaskhanova E.O., Associate Professor of Management and Marketing, Kabardino-BalkariaState University, e-mail:
Mustafayeva Z.A., Professor of Management and Marketing, Kabardino-BalkariaState University, e-mail:
Ligidov R.M., Associate Professor of Management and Marketing, Kabardino-BalkariaState University,e-mail:

During recent years, Russia has witnessed a steady increase in market demand for particular products, including premium cars - class. Therefore the study of the market, identifying the main trends of its development is for economic science of interest. The paper presents the characteristics of the market of goods much in demand. The main competitive edge premium car - class and features of their formation in the Russian market.
Keywords: special goods demand, the Veblen effect, brand, premium cars - class, competitiveness, competition on price, competitive position, service, advertising strategy

1. English economists promise: dollar millionaires in Russia will be three times more than now. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:
2. Audi to overtake Mercedes for the first time on sales. . [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
3 Afanasyev Premium - class: life-and-death struggle. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
4. BMW TOYOTA and began working in the field of ecology. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:
5. For how many it is possible to get premium - class. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:/
6. How will sell more cars in 2013. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
7. Kolesnikova E.V.Rostu selling luxury goods hindered by a lack of infrastructure. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: URL:
8. Konkurentosposobnost goods. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
URL: http:/
9. Lexus makes its German owners happiest. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
10. Mikhant'eva M.Strategii cars - luxury in Russia. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
11. Review of Audi A8 / Audi A8. [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
12.Centre for Humanitarian Technologies. [Electronic resource].-Access mode:


Improving competitiveness of retail enterprise
Golubkova E.N., the professor of chair of marketing of REU of G. V. Plekhanov;
Poljanskaja I.V., The deputy the dean of faculty "Marketing", the senior lecturer
Schukin Y., The student, of REU of G. V. Plekhanov

Considering  the results of competitiveness investigations of department store “Danilovsky”. It was used mystery shopping technique. Competitiveness of two department stores “Danilovsky” and
“ Dobrininsky” was compared. For competitiveness improving of department store “Danilovsky” the definite  marketing actions were proposed.
Keywords: competitiveness, department store, mystery shopping, marketing, assortment, price, promotion, advertising, sale promotion.

1. ГузелевичН.Ю. Фокусы мерчандайзинга. Эффективные «трюки» для торговцев и поставщиков. – СПб. : Питер, 2010.
2. Голубков Е.П. Маркетинговые исследования : теория, методология и практика: учебник. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : Издательство «Финпресс», 2008.
3. Матанцев А.Н. Анализ рынка : Настольная книга маркетолога. – М. : Издательство «Альфа-Пресс», 2009
4. Парамонова Т.Н., Красюк И.Н. Конкурентоспособность предприятия розничной торговли: учебное пособие. – М. : КНОРУС, 2008.
5. Баумгартен Л.В. Анализ методов определения конкурентоспособности организаций и продукции // Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. – 2005. – № 4. – С. 72–84.
6. Бекетов Н.В. Понятие конкурентоспособности и его эволюция // Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. – 2007. – № 6. – С. 83–86.
7. Богомолова И.П., Хохлов Е.В. Анализ формирования категории конкурентоспособность, как фактора рыночного превосходства экономических объектов //Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. – 2005. – № 1. – С. 113–119.
8. Магомедов Ш.Ш., Койчакаев И.Ш. Метод оценки конкурентоспособности предприятия розничной торговли // Маркетинг. – 2007. – № 5. – С. 91–102.
9. Полянская И.Л., Полянский Л.Н. Имидж торгового предприятия // Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 39–47.
10. Полянский Л.Н. Маркетинговые исследования торгового центра (на примере Торгового дома «Даниловский») // Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. – 2008. – № 1. – С. 26–36.


Short messages

Five delusions about HR branding
Belyanskaya O.Y., News Factory pr-agency, general director, e-mail:

Personal brand or fame for an hour
Baeva T.V., The editor of the press-service of personnel centre "UNITY"

Work with client base – the powerful tool of sales for your business!

Zheljanin D.A., business coach, business consultant, an expert in increasing sales in the small and medium business, e-mail:

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